If case in?

enum MyEnum {
    case mycase( String, arg2label: String ) }

let v: MyEnum = .mycase( "abc", arg2label: "xyz" )

Aren't the following examples more legible, intuitive, and easy to remember, than what we do now?...

let str = v.0

if v.0 == "abc" { // ...

if let str = v.0 { // ...

if let str = v.arg2label { // ...

if v == .mycase && v.arg2label == "xyz" { // ...

You would have to deal with collisions, but I use Enums with payloads constantly and in practice 99% of the time (for my code, at least) it wouldn't cause me much trouble (usually i use the same arg label for the same types) And besides collisions could be handled in many cases like function overloading (if let arg.name as? String). I think what we have now "if case let" is just awful and I'm sick of writing properties by hand to enums to make them read nicely

At this point I'm ranting but I just can't fathom why we have to go through hoops for this. We already have Tuples, we already have properties. What is the point of clumsily ramming this annoying syntax on everybody?

Imagine being able to do this (which tbh is probably the first thought one has when learning about Swift Enums with payloads)...

let (a,b,c) = val

or matching any case regardless of its args (and, cool, that means we could get a generated allCases property for free)...

if val == .foo

I see the alternatives and it seems like they all accept that property syntax is philosophically bad. I don't get it. Anything else seems like keyword salad to me "if let case some = ? .some prop(let)" I don't want to feel like I'm doing some weird kind of advanced reflection just get at an enum payload.