Maybe the dictionary literal syntax could be used as a shorthand?
enum Suit: Int {
case Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, Clubs
var description: String {
return switch self [
.Hearts: "
.Spades: "
.Diamonds: "
.Clubs: "
var isRed: Bool {
return switch self [
.Hearts: true,
.Diamonds: true,
.Spades: false,
.Clubs: false
This can be done today with no syntax changes (you'd have to return
optional or handle the nil case though):
var description: String? {
return [
.Hearts: "
.Spades: "
.Diamonds: "
.Clubs: "
On 3/23/2016 8:42 PM, Patrick Smith via swift-evolution wrote:
Maybe the dictionary literal syntax could be used as a shorthand?
enum Suit: Int {
case Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, Clubs
var description: String {
return switch self [
.Hearts: "
.Spades: "
.Diamonds: "
.Clubs: "
var isRed: Bool {
return switch self [
.Hearts: true,
.Diamonds: true,
.Spades: false,
.Clubs: false
swift-evolution mailing list
You could always use nil-coalescing
return [
.Hearts: "
.Spades: "
.Diamonds: "
.Clubs: "
][self ] ?? "won't happen"
Or do something silly like this:
public extension Dictionary {
public subscript(key: Key, fallback: Value) -> Value {
return self[key] ?? fallback
enum Suits {
case Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, Clubs
var description: String {
let values: [Suits: String] = [
.Hearts: "
.Spades: "
.Diamonds: "
.Clubs: "
return values[self, "?"]
Even thought they kind of sort of work, I don't like either one.
-- E
On Mar 23, 2016, at 9:23 PM, Kevin Lundberg via swift-evolution <> wrote:
This can be done today with no syntax changes (you'd have to return optional or handle the nil case though):
var description: String? {
return [
.Hearts: "
.Spades: "
.Diamonds: "
.Clubs: "
This can be done today with no syntax changes (you'd have to return optional or handle the nil case though):
var description: String? {
return [
.Hearts: "
.Spades: "
.Diamonds: "
.Clubs: "
"You have to handle the nil case" is a symptom of the real problem with this approach: you lose exhaustiveness checking.
Brent Royal-Gordon
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