How to effectively filter array by another array? ( In functional paradigm )

Since you are extracting elements from the source and filter each one at a time and always in order, it seemed that the iterator interface would be perfect. Instead of putting it here, I put my version in a gist. But I'll copy the business method here:

extension SetSubtractionIterator: IteratorProtocol {

    public mutating func next() -> Base.Element? {
        // Can't return wrapped element if there's no more.
        lastBase = lastBase ??
        guard let latestBase = lastBase else { return nil }

         Compare latest from base and filtered:

         - filtered is NIL: return base and increment it
         - base < filtered: return base and increment it
         - base == filtered: increment both then recursive call
         - base > filtered: increment filter then recursive call
        do {
            let incrementBase: Bool
            defer {
                if incrementBase {
                    lastBase =
                    if let nextBase = lastBase, nextBase < latestBase {
                        preconditionFailure("To-be-filtered sequence isn't actually sorted")

            lastFilter = lastFilter ??
            guard let latestFilter = lastFilter, latestBase >= latestFilter else {
                incrementBase = true
                return latestBase
            defer {
                lastFilter =
                if let nextFiltered = lastFilter, nextFiltered < latestFilter {
                    preconditionFailure("Filtering sequence isn't actually sorted")

            incrementBase = latestBase == latestFilter
        return next()


I had to put the bulk of the code in a do-block, otherwise I'll get infinite recursion. Could someone check if it generates the sought-after tail-recursion?

Since I qualified the array requirements as small as possible, this code will even work with single-pass Sequences. It helps here that you require <; using a general predicate would change how the comparisons are done, need to check for exceptions, and probably need eager/lazy versions. Maybe I'll try that later; it'd need Swift 5's Result to generalize it to one copy of the algorithm.