When os_log is used, sourcekit-lsp logs everything (guess that's expected)
I'm not fluent in os_log setup (looking at macOS and Xcode). Is there a way to disable logs when spawning the sourcekit-lsp process? it all goes to the Xcode console and is super annoying ;P
PS. I know Tests uses Logger.disableOSLog to disable logs completely (I guess because it was too verbose in console)
In that class disableOSLog is a bool that defaults to false. Is sourcekit-lsp looking for an environment variable or something when you run it to know if it should set that flag on the Logger class?
The disableOSLog flag is only ever set to true during one specific test today, but patches welcome for making it configurable.
Sorry, I don't know off hand if it's possible to turn it off globally during Xcode debugging - I believe os_log behaves specially when running under the debugger, but I assume the configuration options @Josh_Wisenbaker mentioned would still apply.