How to calculate the alignment of unsafe pointer for heterogeneous data?


Here's a version that doesn't use UnsafePointer / UnsafeRawBufferPointer at all:

extension Data {
    func readInt32(at offset: Int, bigEndian: Bool) -> Int32 {
        let a = Int32(self[offset + (bigEndian ? 3 : 0)])
        let b = Int32(self[offset + (bigEndian ? 2 : 1)])
        let c = Int32(self[offset + (bigEndian ? 1 : 2)])
        let d = Int32(self[offset + (bigEndian ? 0 : 3)])
        return a + (b << 8) + (c << 16) + (d << 24)
    func readString(at offset: Int, count: Int) -> String {
        let fragment = self[offset ..< offset + count]
        return String(data: fragment, encoding: .ascii)!
    init(url: URL, mappedIfSafe: Bool) throws {
        if mappedIfSafe {
            let data = try NSData(contentsOf: url, options: .mappedIfSafe)
            self = data as Data
        } else {
            try self.init(contentsOf: url)

struct S {
    private let data: Data
    private var bigEndian: Bool = false
    init(data: Data) { = data
        let x = data.readInt32(at: 0, bigEndian: bigEndian)
        bigEndian = x == 1234 // TODO: logic to determine big vs little endian
    var locifn: String {
        data.readString(at: 16, count: 60)
    var fward: Int32 {
        data.readInt32(at: 76, bigEndian: bigEndian)

func test(url: URL) {
    let data = try! Data(url: url, mappedIfSafe: true)
    let pageIndex = 1 // adjust accordingly
    let pageSize = 1024
    let page = data[pageIndex*pageSize ..< (pageIndex + 1)* pageSize]
    // despite returning type "Data", data range subscript does not return Data
    // you may expect. Let's convert to proper Data for simplicity:
    let pageData = Data(page)
    let s = S(data: pageData)

Perhaps you also want the code not trapping on invalid input (throwing on out of bounds, or strings being non ascii, etc).

Thank you very much for your support.

I compiled the knowledge provided and built a view over the UnsafeRawBufferPointer provided from the DAF file using SystemPackage.FileDescriptor.

The view is opinionated to fulfill the DAF file format requirements (i.e. integers should always be 4 bytes), but in case you want to take a look, it's on /Sources/DAF/Internals/UnsafeBytes at GitHub - ajotaos/swift-daf. It's a temporary repository until I can provide tests and documentation.

The contents of this article were also really helpful Safely manage pointers in Swift | WWDC NOTES

Again, thanks everyone and special thanks to @tera :heart: