How does Equatable synthesis interact with implementing refined protocols?

That's an interesting point and potentially counterintuitive. Conforming to two protocols with default implementations would ordinarily require the concrete type to implement the method; in this case, you do get synthesis back because of that.

Therefore, you could work around your issue by creating an internal protocol refining Equatable named _RestoreSynthesizedEquatableConformance with a default implementation of ==:

protocol _RestoreSynthesizedEquatableConformance : Equatable { }

extension _RestoreSynthesizedEquatableConformance {
  static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool { fatalError() }

struct S { }

extension S : Strideable, _RestoreSynthesizedEquatableConformance {
  func advanced(by n: Int) -> S { return S() }
  func distance(to other: S) -> Int { return 0 }

S() == S() // true
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