How can I fix "Type 'MyType' does not conform to protocol 'Collection'"?

I first commented out the Collection conformance

extension LazyDeduplicationSequence/*: Collection*/ where Base: Collection {

And the Collection members themselves gave no error. Then I wondered if adding the conformance at the same time as the members was the problem. I first diverted myself with the backwards code:

extension LazyDeduplicationSequence/*: BidirectionalCollection*/ where Base: BidirectionalCollection {
    public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
        let previousEnd = i.isoRange.lowerBound
        let previousLast = base.index(before: previousEnd)  // Crashes here if at startIndex
        let previousValue = base[previousLast]
        let previousStart: Base.Index
        if let doublePreviousLast = base[...previousLast].lastIndex(where: { !areEquivalent($0, previousValue) }) {
            previousStart = base.index(after: doublePreviousLast)
        } else {
            previousStart = base.startIndex
        return Index(previousStart..<previousEnd)

Then added conformance in separated statements:

extension LazyDeduplicationSequence: Collection where Base: Collection {}
extension LazyDeduplicationSequence: LazyCollectionProtocol where Base: Collection {}
extension LazyDeduplicationSequence: BidirectionalCollection where Base: BidirectionalCollection {}

But the same error for the Collection block showed up. But the BidirectionalCollection error had a fix-it attached. When I opened it, it asked to provide stubs. To my surprise, the stub wasn't a dummy Index type-alias, but a dummy Indices type-alias.

Could the default definition of Indices been the problem? I re-read "Indices.swift," where DefaultIndices lives, but I didn't see a problem. Then I made up my own indices-bundle type:

public struct LazyDeduplicationIndices<Elements: Collection> where Elements.SubSequence == Elements {
    let elements: LazyDeduplicationCollection<Elements>
    init(_ base: LazyDeduplicationCollection<Elements>) {
        elements = base

extension LazyDeduplicationIndices: Collection {
    public var underestimatedCount: Int { return elements.underestimatedCount }

    public struct Index: Comparable {
        let isoRange: Range<Elements.Index>
        init(_ base: Range<Elements.Index>) {
            isoRange = base
        public static func < (lhs: Index, rhs: Index) -> Bool {
            return lhs.isoRange.lowerBound < rhs.isoRange.lowerBound

    public var startIndex: Index { return elements.startIndex }
    public var endIndex: Index { return elements.endIndex }
    public subscript(position: Index) -> Index {
        return position
    public subscript(bounds: Range<Index>) -> LazyDeduplicationIndices {
        return LazyDeduplicationIndices(elements[bounds])
    public var indices: LazyDeduplicationIndices { return self }
    public var isEmpty: Bool { return elements.isEmpty }
    public func index(after i: Index) -> Index {
        return elements.index(after: i)

extension LazyDeduplicationIndices.Index: Hashable where Elements.Index: Hashable {}

extension LazyDeduplicationIndices: BidirectionalCollection where Elements: BidirectionalCollection {
    public func index(before i: Index) -> Index {
        return elements.index(before: i)

Since I didn't erase the collection code in LazyDeduplicationSequence, I could re-use it, even though the sequence type itself doesn't (yet) conditionally conform to Collection. I added a custom indices member to the extension then uncommented the Collection-conformance statement, and... it worked! Or at least didn't trigger a pre-compilation error. Uncommenting the LazyCollectionProtocol and BidirectionalCollection statements worked too, and the project worked when I did a full unit-test.

Why did supplying a custom Indices work? Is there a bug in the pre-checker in that it didn't tell me what was wrong in Collection conformance? I only got it due to trying BidirectionalCollection conformance and that's what BC suggested I fill in a stub for.