Higher Kinded Types (Monads, Functors, etc.)

Not many things are binary.

I certainly never easily transitioned through many of the historical language advancements; e.g. I was quite content with spaghetti code, but I did transition to procedural, similarly OOP and in the last decade to FP.

...but I agree it's overly difficult to find a single FP source that is truly beginner centric; most just skirt around abstract topics with very esoteric examples that mere mortals can't fathom why these would be advantageous in a codebase, and probably more pertinent where and how to use this. This is sadly a failing of the FP community overall... but even an old programmer like me has to finally acknowledge that learning FP has become advantageous... but we probably should pick this type of discussion up in this thread: Functional programming in Swift - #13 by endofunk