Global functions can't be used if a member function shadows its name, even if the argument labels are different

Are you suggesting that we might want to always include outer-scope functions as candidates, even when an inner-scope function with matching name is found? I had been under the impression that such a change was a non-starter on account of it being source-breaking.

For example, do you envision the following becoming valid?

func foo(_ n: Int) {}

struct Bar {
  func foo(_ s: String) {}
  func test() { foo(2) }

And do you envision the following to start printing “Outer” if Bar().test() is called?

func foo(_ n: Int) { print("Outer") }

struct Bar {
  func foo<T: Numeric>(_ t: T) { print("Inner") }
  func test() { foo(2) }

In contrast, the approach I described would not affect either of these examples. The first would fail to compile, and the second would print “Inner”, just as they do today.

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