Get class of object in Swift 2.3

self.dynamicType doesn't work any more, but type(of: self) is just Swift
3.0 So how do i get the class?

Use case in a unit test:

let bundle = NSBundle(forClass: type(of: self))


Nate Birkholz

Never mind, .dynamicType works, it just doesn't autocomplete any more.


On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 11:54 AM, Nate Birkholz <> wrote:

self.dynamicType doesn't work any more, but type(of: self) is just Swift
3.0 So how do i get the class?

Use case in a unit test:

let bundle = NSBundle(forClass: type(of: self))

Nate Birkholz

Nate Birkholz