Function builder cannot infer generic parameters even though direct call to `buildBlock` can

This isn't quite what I was getting at. Since (IIRC) builder types can be generic, you can write something like this:

protocol Transformation {
  associatedtype Value
  func transform(values: [Value]) -> [Value]

struct TransformationBuilder<Value> {
  static func buildExpression<T: Transformation>(t: T) -> AnyTransformation<Value> where T.Value == Value { ... }
  static func buildBlock(transforms: AnyTransformation<Value>) -> AnyTransformation<Value> { ... }

func makeTransform<Value>(@TransformationBuilder<Value> builder: () -> AnyTransformation<Value>) -> AnyTransformation<Value> {

Uses of makeTransform would allow a certain amount of type propagation into the Value type. I don't know how much of a problem we consider that.