Foundation, Operation.swift. Why create a success variable here?

I noticed that Operation.swift on the master branch has a big change compared with swift-5.0-RELEASE.
For this part of code snippet

    internal func _addOperations(_ ops: [Operation], barrier: Bool = false) {
    if ops.isEmpty { return }
    var failures = 0
    var successes = 0
    var firstNewOp: Unmanaged<Operation>?
    var lastNewOp: Unmanaged<Operation>?
    for op in ops {
        if op._compareAndSwapState(.initialized, .enqueuing) {
            successes += 1

I am curious about why creating a variable success here? It does not be used later or anywhere else. Or the code in the master branch is in the 'in-progress' status?

You flagged your own post; are you asking me to do something special to this post, like maybe hide or delete it? Abstractly this seems like a totally reasonable question, although perhaps it would've been better to make the comment on the GitHub PR that actually made the change.

Hi Jonh,

Thanks for your response. As you said, it's better to make the comment on the PR and I think so. It's too detail and I would like to close the topic. I will submit a PR then.

Sure, I’ll close it for you.