forEach error: Parameters may not have the 'var' specifier

This error is for Swift 3 Xcode 8 beta 6

array.forEach {( var a : AnyObject) -> () in // error here : Parameters may not have the 'var' specifier
// modify object here

for var a in array { // OK
// modify object here

You issue is more like

func foo(var bar:Int) { // error: Parameters may not have the 'var'


So yes, `var` is not allow any more.

Removing var from Function Parameters (SE-0003)



On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 6:21 PM, CK TUNG via swift-users <> wrote:

This error is for Swift 3 Xcode 8 beta 6

array.forEach {( var a : AnyObject) -> () in // error here : Parameters
may not have the 'var' specifier

   // modify object here


for var a in array { // OK

    // modify object here


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