Extend `condition-list` abilities

What would happen if you specify a conditionless condition-list? A compiler error?

To oversimplify things, treat regular let and vars as non-conditionals.

By regular do you mean non-optional?

TBH I don't like this proposal since I feel like it can only make things harder to read. I've long since started to use , as a synonym for && in these places, and I don't think I am alone. It also feels like it could be easy to accidentally hide a condition among a list of non-conditions e.g.

if condition1,
   var someVariable = ...,
   callSideEffect(on: &someVariable),
   condition2, // HIDDEN
 { ... }

EDIT: I suppose my example is functionally different than what you posted because of short-circuiting, which makes me understand your comparison to result-builders a bit better.