@_exported and fixing import visibility

I'm late the party, but this thread was referenced in response to a question I had a couple days ago.

I want to build a Swift wrapper for SDL, an open-source graphics/event-handling library. At one extreme, it would make sense to write a comprehensive apinotes file for it and package it as a module (if only I could find comprehensive docs on how to do that). But that doesn't make it very Swifty, particularly in that you don't get ARC support.

So the next thing would be to wrap the API in a set of Swift classes and structs. I started to do this with SDL, and used the systemLibrary() in the SwiftPM to import the C API. I got stuck because thereā€™s a set of #defines in the C API that I wanted to use early on to prove things out, but they werenā€™t visible to clients of my SwiftSDL module (I haven't yet tried @_export).

In the long run, this should be an OptionSet anyway, and I built that shim manually, but I feel like this is what I should be able to do (for example): Use apinotes to convert an enum to an OptionSet, and re-export just that OptionSet. Since I donā€™t control the C API, I need to be able to apply the apinotes as part of my library (SwiftSDL), which should allow the compiler to handle the fine-grained re-export.

Also, I don't like language of public import Foo. ā€œImportā€ means one thing, ā€œexportā€ means the other, so Iā€™d rather see import Foo; export Foo. But itā€™s a bit strange to export the imported library at the source file level. What happens when I have several source files? Any one of them could trigger the re-export. Seems like this should exist in a more central file for the module (e.g. Package dscriptor or apinotes or modulemap).

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+1 Just hit the same problem needing to export internal libraries as part of our framework public API. We're using @_exported for now but hoping for an official solution.


Sorry for bring this thread to life but I have encountered a very strange problem with @_exported import and wanted to share here for input.

We have a dynamic wrapper framework that embeds few static libraries from a swift package. This wrapper framework is then linked back with lot of modules and app target in our main project.

This framework is using @_exported import for all of its static dependencies so the consumers won't have to explicitly import them. But this have some side affects. Xcode fails to detect that there is some duplicate code in consumer modules and those static libraries and successfully builds the app. This can cause serious side affects in app business logic.

I uncovered this issue when I tried to remove one of the @_exported import in wrapper framework and explicitly import static library in a consumer module.

Any idea what might be going on and how to fix it?

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You can't, in general, embed static Swift libraries in a dynamic framework, and then you doubly can't do so and re-export them, for exactly the reason you discovered: a client who uses the static library won't know to link to your dynamic framework instead of another copy of the library.

Now, this kind of thing is certainly desirableā€”people keep talking about it! But @_exported is not the tool to do it, or at least not the complete solution, and I don't know of a "complete solution" in today's Swift.

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It looks like swift is totally fine in that sense, it's an xcode and general linking problem. And one can totally experience the same problem outside of xcode and swift.

As far as I understand, here you need to
(1) prevent xcode to link those static libraries into executable
(2) force to link all object files from static lib to dynamic lib, with -all_load or similar
(3) have a diagnostic tool that checks that there is no duplicate symbols in dylibs and executable, so one couldn't accidentally link code from static lib to executable.

Am I wrong?

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It is a general problem (not Swift-specific), but not one with a general solution, because of step 3. The only way to prevent a library used in two places from being included twice in the final build is to link everything statically or link everything dynamically (in that part of the build graph).

Swift also doesnā€™t support an option for (1) today because of a bunch of modules that get imported implicitly, which would make (2) very painful. But because of (3) itā€™s not worth it anyway.

Note that this is why SwiftPM doesnā€™t specify whether a package will be built statically or dynamically, so that it (or Xcode) can use static linking when itā€™s probably safe/correct and dynamic linking otherwise. I donā€™t know to what extent thatā€™s been implemented, though.

@jrose Thank you for your reply
You can't, in general, embed static Swift libraries in a dynamic framework
That is the only way to use swift package libraries right now because Xcode (unfortunately) doesn't provide a way to link package dependencies as dynamic (even dynamic swift package libraries are linked as static).

and then you doubly can't do so and re-export them
this was a refactoring task i.e take break existing large module into several swift package based modules and then reintegrate new modules back into main project. @_exported allowed integration with fewer changes. Otherwise we would have to import new modules everywhere in the project.

Just so I understand correctly.. can @_exported make a separate copy of the static library when used implicitly in other modules. Here is a more accurate description of my current setup

/// SPMDependencyContainer dynamic framework that wraps
/// following static libraries from swift packages

@_exported Networking
@_exported LayoutKit
@_exported CoreUtils
/// Framework1 that was broken into swift package modules Networking, 
/// LayoutKit & CoreUtils. This framework will build fine because the code 
/// that was moved into swift packages is available to internal components
/// via following import that re-exports them. This module need to export 
/// same dependencies again so that it's consumers continue to build fine.

import SPMDependencyContainer
/// Modules that were using Framework1 before refactoring are still
/// using Framework1 and they build fine because they implicit imports
/// from Framework1

import Framework1

This setup is great for quick refactoring and can work fine in production assuming there is no duplicate code.

Now, about this bug or whatever we want to call it, can't Xcode treat swift package based module code just like a static/dynamic framework created inside Xcode project and detect duplicate code/symbols which it can do with normal setup already. Why only hybrid setup (Xcode project frameworks + spm modules) is a problem for build system?

As @zienag points out, it is incorrect in the most general case to link static libraries into a dynamic library if someone else might also use them; your use case is special in that if everybody linked to your dynamic library instead everything would be fine. But thereā€™s currently no way to communicate that to the linker, in Xcode or outside of it. Again, I think this is a valid feature request, if one that needs design on how to integrate with existing autolinking behavior, but thereā€™s no supported way to do that today. EDIT: that emphasis is deliberate; it may be possible to trick the linker into doing the right thing, but a future Swift or Xcode release could break it.

(Thereā€™s a small exception for some languages for non-exported static libraries linked into dynamic libraries where you can pretend that part of the library does not exist at all. Swift is not quite such a language, exacerbated by the ObjC support on Apple platforms; it relies on the global uniqueness of mangled names in a program. But thatā€™s not relevant to your situation.)

I see what you mean now and that worries me that my setup can stop working one day due to a newer version of Swift or Xcode blocking private apis.

Regarding valid feature request, I agree with you because what's the point of publicly embedding static libraries in a dynamic one anyway which btw is supported case in terms of .frameworks which can store compiled libraries as submodules.

I just hope Swift does the right thing and come up with something like public/private import XYZ (this was suggested by somebody on swift evolution already).

But thank you for all the replies.

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I tried to setup a simple project using @_exported import, where I have a public framework and a dependant static library which also exposes some API that I need public.

But when I integrate the resulting framework into a 3rd party app I get 'Missing required module '<< dependent static lib >>'' when I import the framework. The framework code is here.

@shahzadmajeed, @jrose, would appreciate if you find a moment to take a look.

It's hard to tell what might be wrong. Sounds like a linking problem to me but I can take a look if you have an example app with the error.

Hi @shahzadmajeed, sorry for the late reply.
I've update the above repo with a Consumer app, where you can see the error.


Sorry for late reply. I couldn't visit swift forums in a while.

Your project built fine after I added -ObjC to Other Linker Flags of target Jumbo.

Hey, no worries. 2 things:

  1. Wow, that seems to work. How does this flag fix it since I have no ObjC in the framework?
  2. If I grab the Jumbo.framework, put it in a 3rd party app, delete DerivedData, try to build the 3rd party app, I still get the 'Missing required module' error. So it seems some things are still lost along the way to distribution. I have a feeling it's about module maps.

You probably want to build it for distribution then. There is a build setting for that

Same error. That didn't help.

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