Explicit ordering of multiple conditional conformances

Yeah, that definitely covers some cases (I'd guess most cases, in fact), but doesn't work when the type is an implementation detail/isn't meant to be part of the public API of code, e.g.

internal struct SomethingSpecial<T> { var x: T }

extension SomethingSpecial: P where T: Q {} else where T: R {}

public func doIt<T>(input: T) {
     let value = SomethingSpecial<T>(x: input);
     operation(value as P)

That doesn't quite match with Swift's behaviour elsewhere. Except for classes, choosing method overloads on concrete types is done with the static information available, and there's no dynamic dispatch. For instance:

struct X<T> {}

extension X {
    func foo() { print("no constraints") }
extension X where T == Int {
    func foo() { print("T == Int") }

// concrete
// generic
func callFooGenerically<T>(_: T.Type) { X<T>().foo() }