Classification: Public
I stumbled upon the exception handling and the quite practical guard
keyword for early-exiting a function.
Unfortunately, the try? discards an exception, if there is one.
What I am interested in is to use the shorter guard-style instead of the
lengthy do/try/catch-approach, example follows:
Current situation is (example #1):
let smth: AnyObject?
do {
smth = try myThrowingFunc()
} catch let error {
print(error) // here I can access the exception, but this code is
quite big and not very intuitive, and the result will always be an
I would like to use it like this(example #2):
guard let smth = try? myThrowingFunc() else {
print(error) // in swift 2.2 the exception is discarded, so no access
possible, but this code is much cleaner
Advantages are better readability because of shorter code, and to avoid
the optionals from ex.#1 and therefore alot of ! and ? afterwards. In ex#2
I either have the smth constant, or the function stops and returns. In
ex#1, I will have an optional with a value, which again needs a few
additional steps to unwrap and use.
So I would love the ability to access exceptions (maybe with a standard
variable name) inside a guard-clause
I have created a question on stackoverflow here:
But have answered that already myself. I would love to get some feedback
from you guys, maybe you have some other tips for me.
Kind regards,
Matis Schotte
Matis Schotte
Mobile Solutions | Software Engineer
Deutsche Bank AG
Theodor-Heuss-Allee 72, 60486 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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