Evolving SwiftPM Builds with Swift Build

Also very happy to see this happen, thanks for open sourcing it!

Just would like to reply to this one shortly (and can follow up in the other thread on RLP linked to below as it may be more suitable).

Quoting from that link:

I would like to see a compelling argument for why we absolutely need binary packages on Linux when we have the system package manager to handle the vast majority (if not close to 100%) of those use cases, including for closed-source proprietary packages (of which there are few to begin with).

I just want to clearly state that there is a clear and important use case for those of us who wants to support customers building plugins vs. a resilient API in a controlled enterprise environment (where we as an ISV vend an API that our customers makes use of, but with strict constraints and control on runtime platform and toolchains used/supported). Happy to elaborate as needed, but it is a proven need with a few decades of background experience in various shapes and forms.

Some background here:

and a resulting warm and fresh pitch for a limited solution that supports this use case (instead of dismissing Linux as too complex and impossible to solve).