Error: Unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate

Hi! I am running into the following issue:

The goal of my code is to check a string "text" to see if it contains any variables from a list of allergens (from a different view). If one of the allergens appear in the string, then I want it to appear in the output list. So the user may list a total of 5 allergens, and if only 3 of the allergens are in the "text" string, then those 3 will appear in the output list.

However, I run into the following error: Unable to infer complex closure return type; add explicit type to disambiguate

I understand a lot of other users have had that issue, but I am still unable to figure out how to fix it for my current issue.

I am very new to programming in general, so any help is really appreciated!

var body: some View {
    NavigationView {
        List {
            ForEach(allergens.items) {_ in  // The error occurs here!
                if allergens.contains(where: self.text.contains){

What are the types at each statement?

  • ForEach accepts Array or Range.
  • Text accepts String.

Yet you have allergens.items for both initializers.

Likely it’s a logic error, though I can’t help much after that.

Thanks for your reply!

I actually think I found a workaround:

ForEach(allergens.items) {item in
                    Text(self.compareResults (x: self.text, y:

Then, outside of the " var body: some View {", I make a function with the following:

func compareResults(x: String, y: String) -> String {
        var result = ""
        if x.contains(y) {
        result = y
      return result

Hope this helps someone else as well!