Editing and debugging a SwiftPM plugin?

Q: Editing SwiftPM Plugin

A: You can use .package(path:) for local dependency

Q: Debugging SwiftPM Plugin

A SwiftPM Plugin contains 2 parts of code:

  1. Your @main struct XX: CommandPlugin logic code which runs under Swift-DocC (in your target Package's .build/plugins/Swift-DocC/cache/Swift-DocC location)
  2. and SwiftPM code running under the toolchain's swift-package

When you run swift package preview-documentation, it will actually run swift-package first and then swift-package will launch your CommandPlugin.

In the execution of your CommandPlugin, you may call some API PackagePlugin has provided to you like PackageManager.getSymbolGraph, such API will be implemented and run in swift-package and then pass the data back to and your plugin.

swift-package ->
              -> <Your CommandPlugin>
swift-package <-

Depending on which part of code interests you, you can debug swift-package or your plugin target(Swift-DocC here).

Correct me if any part is wrong. And do you know if we have any better official resource on how to debug Plugin code? @Max_Desiatov