Dynamic method replacement

A solution which respects the current language and requirement constraints would look something like this:

class Thing {
    public func theAnswer() -> Int {
        if let replaceableAnswer = Thing.replaceableAnswer {
            return replaceableAnswer(self, self.theAnswerOriginal)
            return theAnswerOriginal()
    private func theAnswerOriginal() -> Int {
        return 20
    static var replaceableAnswer: ((_ thing: Thing, _ original: () -> Int) -> Int)?

let thing = Thing()


Thing.replaceableAnswer = {
    (thing, original) in
    return original() + 22


I think this shows just how Allow dynamic keyword on non-objc properties and this pitch is different.

It appears that dynamic has alight been slightly repurposed in Swift by the creation of @dynamicMemberLookup. Maybe replaceable would be a more accurate keyword for this.