Does String(bytesNoCopy:) copy bytes?

Gave it another go in new environment (Monterey, Xcode 14) got different results:

CFString ascii   	len:9	CF:N 	NS(CF):N 	S(CF):N 	S(NS):N 
CFString ascii   	len:10	CF:Y 	NS(CF):Y 	S(CF):N 	S(NS):N 
CFString utf8    	len:9	CF:N 	NS(CF):N 	S(CF):N 	S(NS):N 
CFString utf8    	len:10	CF:Y 	NS(CF):Y 	S(CF):N 	S(NS):N 
CFString utf16LE 	len:1	CF:Y 	NS(CF):Y 	S(CF):N 	S(NS):N 
CFString utf16BE 	len:1	CF:N 	NS(CF):N 	S(CF):N 	S(NS):N 
CFString_chars   	len:1	CF:Y 	NS(CF):Y 	S(CF):N 	S(NS):N 
NSString utf8    	len:9	      	NS:N     	S(NS):N 
NSString utf8    	len:10	      	NS:Y     	S(NS):N 
NSString utf16LE 	len:1	      	NS:Y     	S(NS):N 
NSString utf16BE 	len:20	      	NS:N     	S(NS):N 
NSString_chars   	len:1	      	NS:Y     	S(NS):N 
String utf8      	len:20	       	        	S:N 
String utf16LE   	len:20	       	        	S:N 
String_chars     	len:20	        	       	S:N 
CFData           	len:14	CF:Y 	NS(CF):Y 	S(CF):N 	S(NS):N 
CFData           	len:15	CF:Y 	NS(CF):Y 	S(CF):Y*	S(NS):Y*
NSData           	len:1	       	NS:Y    	S(NS):N 
NSData           	len:20	       	NS:Y    	S(NS):N 
Data             	len:14	        	       	S:N 
Data             	len:15	        	       	S:Y*

i.e. no longer we can have a bridged String that can be mutated via some spooky action at a distance – which is a good thing, e.g. we won't be able breaking Set type invariants, etc. We can still do it with Data though.

Updated source code (kCFAllocatorNull vs nil error fixed).
import Foundation

func test_CFString_bytes<T>(_ testName: String, count: Int, value1: T, value2: T, encoding: CFStringBuiltInEncodings, printDetails: Bool = false) {
    let size = count * MemoryLayout<T>.size
    let bytes = malloc(size)!
    let chars = bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: T.self)
    for i in 0 ..< count {
        chars[i] = value1
    let p = bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
    let cf = CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy(nil, p, size, encoding.rawValue, false, kCFAllocatorNull)!
    let ns = cf as NSString
    let sc = cf as String
    let sn = ns as String
    let cf1 = "\(cf)"
    let ns1 = "\(ns)"
    let sc1 = "\(sc)"
    let sn1 = "\(sn)"
    chars.pointee = value2
    let cf2 = "\(cf)"
    let ns2 = "\(ns)"
    let sc2 = "\(sc)"
    let sn2 = "\(sn)"

    if printDetails {
        print("cf1: \(cf1)")
        print("ns1: \(ns1)")
        print("sc1: \(sc1)")
        print("sn1: \(sn1)")
        print("-- modification --")
        print("cf2: \(cf2)")
        print("ns2: \(ns2)")
        print("sc2: \(sc2)")
        print("sn2: \(sn2)")

func test_CFString_chars(_ testName: String, count: Int, value1: UniChar, value2: UniChar, printDetails: Bool = false) {
    let size = count * MemoryLayout<UniChar>.size
    let bytes = malloc(size)!
    let chars = bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UniChar.self)
    for i in 0 ..< count {
        chars[i] = value1
    let cf = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(nil, chars, count, kCFAllocatorNull)!
    let ns = cf as NSString
    let sc = cf as String
    let sn = ns as String
    let cf1 = "\(cf)"
    let ns1 = "\(ns)"
    let sc1 = "\(sc)"
    let sn1 = "\(sn)"
    chars.pointee = value2
    let cf2 = "\(cf)"
    let ns2 = "\(ns)"
    let sc2 = "\(sc)"
    let sn2 = "\(sn)"

    if printDetails {
        print("cf1: \(cf1)")
        print("ns1: \(ns1)")
        print("sc1: \(sc1)")
        print("sn1: \(sn1)")
        print("-- modification --")
        print("cf2: \(cf2)")
        print("ns2: \(ns2)")
        print("sc2: \(sc2)")
        print("sn2: \(sn2)")

func test_NSString_bytes<T>(_ testName: String, count: Int, value1: T, value2: T, encoding: String.Encoding, printDetails: Bool = false) {
    let size = count * MemoryLayout<T>.size
    let bytes = malloc(size)!
    let chars = bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: T.self)
    for i in 0 ..< count {
        chars[i] = value1
    let ns = NSString(bytesNoCopy: bytes, length: size, encoding: encoding.rawValue, freeWhenDone: false)!
    let sn = ns as String
    let ns1 = "\(ns)"
    let sn1 = "\(sn)"
    chars.pointee = value2
    let ns2 = "\(ns)"
    let sn2 = "\(sn)"

    if printDetails {
        print("ns1: \(ns1)")
        print("sn1: \(sn1)")
        print("-- modification --")
        print("ns2: \(ns2)")
        print("sn2: \(sn2)")

    print("\(testName)\tlen:\(count)\t      \tNS:\(neq(ns1,ns2))    \tS(NS):\(neq(sn1,sn2,true))")

func test_NSString_chars(_ testName: String, count: Int, value1: UniChar, value2: UniChar, printDetails: Bool = false) {
    let size = count * MemoryLayout<UniChar>.size
    let bytes = malloc(size)!
    let chars = bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UniChar.self)
    for i in 0 ..< count {
        chars[i] = value1
    let ns = NSString(charactersNoCopy: chars, length: count, freeWhenDone: false)
    let sn = ns as String
    let ns1 = "\(ns)"
    let sn1 = "\(sn)"
    chars.pointee = value2
    let ns2 = "\(ns)"
    let sn2 = "\(sn)"

    if printDetails {
        print("ns1: \(ns1)")
        print("sn1: \(sn1)")
        print("-- modification --")
        print("ns2: \(ns2)")
        print("sn2: \(sn2)")

    print("\(testName)\tlen:\(count)\t      \tNS:\(neq(ns1,ns2))    \tS(NS):\(neq(sn1,sn2,true))")

func test_String_bytes<T>(_ testName: String, count: Int, value1: T, value2: T, encoding: String.Encoding, printDetails: Bool = false) {
    let size = count * MemoryLayout<T>.size
    let bytes = malloc(size)!
    let chars = bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: T.self)
    for i in 0 ..< count {
        chars[i] = value1
    let s = String(bytesNoCopy: bytes, length: size, encoding: encoding, freeWhenDone: false)!
    let s1 = "\(s)"
    chars.pointee = value2
    let s2 = "\(s)"

    if printDetails {
        print("s1: \(s1)")
        print("-- modification --")
        print("s2: \(s2)")
    print("\(testName)\tlen:\(count)\t       \t        \tS:\(neq(s1,s2,true))")

func test_String_chars(_ testName: String, count: Int, value1: unichar, value2: unichar, printDetails: Bool = false) {
    let size = count * MemoryLayout<unichar>.size
    let bytes = malloc(size)!
    let chars = bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: unichar.self)

    for i in 0 ..< count {
        chars[i] = value1
    let s = String(utf16CodeUnitsNoCopy: chars, count: count, freeWhenDone: false)
    let s1 = "\(s)"
    chars.pointee = value2
    let s2 = "\(s)"

    if printDetails {
        print("s1: \(s1)")
        print("-- modification --")
        print("s2: \(s2)")
    print("\(testName)\tlen:\(count)\t        \t       \tS:\(neq(s1,s2,true))")

func test_CFData_bytes(_ testName: String, count: Int, value1: UInt8, value2: UInt8, printDetails: Bool = false) {
    let bytes = malloc(count)!
    let chars = bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
    for i in 0 ..< count {
        chars[i] = value1
    let cf = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(nil, chars, count, kCFAllocatorNull)!
    let ns = cf as NSData
    let sc = cf as Data
    let sn = ns as Data
    let cf1 = "\(cf)"
    let ns1 = "\(ns)"
    let sc1 = "\(sc.hexString)"
    let sn1 = "\(sn.hexString)"
    chars.pointee = value2
    let cf2 = "\(cf)"
    let ns2 = "\(ns)"
    let sc2 = "\(sc.hexString)"
    let sn2 = "\(sn.hexString)"

    if printDetails {
        print("cf1: \(cf1)")
        print("ns1: \(ns1)")
        print("sc1: \(sc1)")
        print("sn1: \(sn1)")
        print("-- modification --")
        print("cf2: \(cf2)")
        print("ns2: \(ns2)")
        print("sc2: \(sc2)")
        print("sn2: \(sn2)")

func test_NSData_bytes(_ testName: String, count: Int, value1: UInt8, value2: UInt8, printDetails: Bool = false) {
    let bytes = malloc(count)!
    let chars = bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
    for i in 0 ..< count {
        chars[i] = value1
    let ns = NSData(bytesNoCopy: bytes, length: count, freeWhenDone: false)
    let sn = ns as Data
    let ns1 = "\(ns)"
    let sn1 = "\(sn.hexString)"
    chars.pointee = value2
    let ns2 = "\(ns)"
    let sn2 = "\(sn.hexString)"

    if printDetails {
        print("ns1: \(ns1)")
        print("sn1: \(sn1)")
        print("-- modification --")
        print("ns2: \(ns2)")
        print("sn2: \(sn2)")

    print("\(testName)\tlen:\(count)\t       \tNS:\(neq(ns1,ns2))   \tS(NS):\(neq(sn1,sn2,true))")

func test_Data_bytes(_ testName: String, count: Int, value1: UInt8, value2: UInt8, printDetails: Bool = false) {
    let bytes = malloc(count)!
    let chars = bytes.assumingMemoryBound(to: UInt8.self)
    for i in 0 ..< count {
        chars[i] = value1
    let s = Data(bytesNoCopy: bytes, count: count, deallocator: .none)
    let s1 = "\(s.hexString)"
    chars.pointee = value2
    let s2 = "\(s.hexString)"

    if printDetails {
        print("s1: \(s1)")
        print("-- modification --")
        print("s2: \(s2)")

    print("\(testName)\tlen:\(count)\t        \t       \tS:\(neq(s1,s2,true))")

func test() {

    test_CFString_bytes("CFString ascii   ", count: 9, value1: UInt8(0x41), value2: UInt8(0x42), encoding: .ASCII)
    test_CFString_bytes("CFString ascii   ", count: 10, value1: UInt8(0x41), value2: UInt8(0x42), encoding: .ASCII)
    test_CFString_bytes("CFString utf8    ", count: 9, value1: UInt8(0x41), value2: UInt8(0x42), encoding: .UTF8)
    test_CFString_bytes("CFString utf8    ", count: 10, value1: UInt8(0x41), value2: UInt8(0x42), encoding: .UTF8)
    test_CFString_bytes("CFString utf16LE ", count: 1, value1: UInt16(0x41), value2: UInt16(0x42), encoding: .UTF16LE)
    test_CFString_bytes("CFString utf16BE ", count: 1, value1: UInt16(0x4100), value2: UInt16(0x4200), encoding: .UTF16BE)
    test_CFString_chars("CFString_chars   ", count: 1, value1: 0x41, value2: 0x42)
    test_NSString_bytes("NSString utf8    ", count: 9, value1: UInt8(0x41), value2: UInt8(0x42), encoding: .utf8)
    test_NSString_bytes("NSString utf8    ", count: 10, value1: UInt8(0x41), value2: UInt8(0x42), encoding: .utf8)
    test_NSString_bytes("NSString utf16LE ", count: 1, value1: UInt16(0x41), value2: UInt16(0x42), encoding: .utf16LittleEndian)
    test_NSString_bytes("NSString utf16BE ", count: 20, value1: UInt16(0x4100), value2: UInt16(0x4200), encoding: .utf16BigEndian)
    test_NSString_chars("NSString_chars   ", count: 1, value1: 0x41, value2: 0x42)

    test_String_bytes(  "String utf8      ", count: 20, value1: UInt8(0x41), value2: UInt8(0x42), encoding: .utf8)
    test_String_bytes(  "String utf16LE   ", count: 20, value1: UInt16(0x41), value2: UInt16(0x42), encoding: .utf16LittleEndian)
    test_String_chars(  "String_chars     ", count: 20, value1: 0x41, value2: 0x42)

    test_CFData_bytes(  "CFData           ", count: 14, value1: 0x41, value2: 0x42)
    test_CFData_bytes(  "CFData           ", count: 15, value1: 0x41, value2: 0x42)

    test_NSData_bytes(  "NSData           ", count: 1, value1: 0x41, value2: 0x42)
    test_NSData_bytes(  "NSData           ", count: 20, value1: 0x41, value2: 0x42)
    test_Data_bytes(    "Data             ", count: 14, value1: 0x41, value2: 0x42)
    test_Data_bytes(    "Data             ", count: 15, value1: 0x41, value2: 0x42)

func neq<T: Equatable>(_ a: T, _ b: T, _ dangerous: Bool = false) -> String {
    (a != b ? "Y" : "N") + (a != b && dangerous ? "*" : " ")

extension Data {
    var hexString: String {
        reduce("") { r, e in
            r + String(format: "%02x", e)
