DispatchQueue function in Swift 3.0

Does anyone know the equivalent function of DispatchQueue in Swift 3.0?

Thanks in advance.


For the DispatchQueue, the swift 3 has changed it's properties.

The code for swift 2.xx looks like this:

let priority = DispatchQueue.GlobalQueuePriority.default
                DispatchQueue.global(priority: priority).async {
                    // ALL the API processing..
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        // ALL the UI reload..

the error messages shown in Swift 3.0 are:
'default' was deprecated in iOS 8.0: Use qos attributes instead.
'global(priority:)' was deprecated in iOS 8.0.

I believe it got renamed to qos:

DispatchQueue.global(qos: .userInteractive).async {



On Oct 7, 2016, at 6:11 AM, Yue Cui via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org> wrote:

Does anyone know the equivalent function of DispatchQueue in Swift 3.0?

Thanks in advance.
For the DispatchQueue, the swift 3 has changed it's properties.

The code for swift 2.xx looks like this:

let priority = DispatchQueue.GlobalQueuePriority.default
               DispatchQueue.global(priority: priority).async {
                   // ALL the API processing..
                   DispatchQueue.main.async {
                       // ALL the UI reload..

the error messages shown in Swift 3.0 are:
'default' was deprecated in iOS 8.0: Use qos attributes instead.
'global(priority:)' was deprecated in iOS 8.0.
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C (Chris) Bailey

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From: Yue Cui via swift-dev <swift-dev@swift.org>
To: swift-dev@swift.org
Date: 07/10/2016 14:12
Subject: [swift-dev] DispatchQueue function in Swift 3.0
Sent by: swift-dev-bounces@swift.org

Does anyone know the equivalent function of DispatchQueue in Swift 3.0?

Thanks in advance.
For the DispatchQueue, the swift 3 has changed it's properties.

The code for swift 2.xx looks like this:

let priority = DispatchQueue.GlobalQueuePriority.default
                DispatchQueue.global(priority: priority).async {
                    // ALL the API processing..
                    DispatchQueue.main.async {
                        // ALL the UI reload..

the error messages shown in Swift 3.0 are:
'default' was deprecated in iOS 8.0: Use qos attributes instead.
'global(priority:)' was deprecated in iOS 8.0.
swift-dev mailing list