Deep recursion in deinit should not happen

The above tests executed on M1 Pro computer + Monterey + Xcode 14, times in seconds:

C            alloc: 3.21, dealloc:  4.16, total:  7.37s
swift unsafe alloc: 3.68, dealloc:  3.99, total:  7.68 (4% slower than C)
objc MRC     alloc: 4.69, dealloc:  5.18, total:  9.87 (34% slower than C)
swift (ARC)  alloc: 4.22, dealloc:  8.12, total: 12.34 (67% slower than C)
objc ARC     alloc: 5.84, dealloc: 14.47, total: 20.31 (176% slower than C)

So your tests got much faster and does very well compared to C?

I also checked my original test case and could not reproduce the previous error, so I suppose for this simple use case the "issue" is fixed :slight_smile: (I added a comment at the Swift bug entry).

There was a note by @Joe_Groff pointing at a concept for some general solution (?) and note by @drexin, and I would be interested to know how far the current solution goes / how much further one would like to go. Thanks.

Relative figures for swift are about the same. All tests got proportionally faster on the newer hardware. Obj-C becomes slower. Putting the old and new results together:

Old (x86 computer of 2016):
C            alloc: 13.66, dealloc: 13.96, total: 27.63
Swift unsafe alloc: 14.85, dealloc: 14.12, total: 28.98 (5% slower than C)
Obj-C MRC    alloc: 15.84, dealloc: 18.27, total: 34.11 (23% slower than C)
Swift (ARC)  alloc: 20.43, dealloc: 26.36, total: 46.79 (69% slower than C)
Obj-C ARC    alloc: 21.27, dealloc: 32.58, total: 53.86 (95% slower than C)

New (M1 Pro computer of 2021):
C            alloc:  3.21, dealloc:  4.16, total:  7.37
swift unsafe alloc:  3.68, dealloc:  3.99, total:  7.68 (4% slower than C)
objc MRC     alloc:  4.69, dealloc:  5.18, total:  9.87 (34% slower than C)
swift (ARC)  alloc:  4.22, dealloc:  8.12, total: 12.34 (67% slower than C)
objc ARC     alloc:  5.84, dealloc: 14.47, total: 20.31 (176% slower than C)

Yep, simple case fixed:

stackoverflow1 - direct recursion ✅
class Node1 {
    var next: Node1?
    init(next: Node1?) { = next

func stackOverflow1() {
    var top: Node1?
    for _ in 0 ..< 100000 {
        top = Node1(next: top)
    top = nil

More general cases not:

stackOverflow2 - indirect recursion 💣
class NodeA {
    var next: NodeB?
    init(next: NodeB?) { = next

class NodeB {
    var next: NodeA?
    init(next: NodeA?) { = next

func stackOverflow2() {
    var top: NodeA?
    for _ in 0 ..< 100000 {
        top = NodeA(next: NodeB(next: top))
    top = nil // crash here
stackOverflow3 - children in array 💣
class Node3 {
    var children: [Node3]
    init(children: [Node3]) {
        self.children = children

func stackOverflow3() {
    var top = Node3(children: [])
    for _ in 0 ..< 100000 {
        top = Node3(children: [top])
    top = Node3(children: []) // crash
stackOverflow4 - indirect enum 💣
indirect enum Node4 {
    case last(payload: Int)
    case notLast(payload: Int, next: Node4)
    init(payload: Int) {
        self = .last(payload: payload)
    init(payload: Int, next: Node4) {
        self = .notLast(payload: payload, next: next)

func stackOverflow4() {
    var top = Node4(payload: 0)
    for i in 1 ..< 100000 {
        top = Node4(payload: i, next: top)
    top = Node4(payload: 0) // crash
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