The problem is best described with an example:
Up until recently, NSImage
did not conform to NSItemProviderReading
so I've written my own implementation:
extension NSImage: NSItemProviderReading {
public static var readableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider: [String] {
return ["public.image"]
public static func object(withItemProviderData data: Data, typeIdentifier: String) throws -> Self {
return NSImage(data: data)! as! Self
However, starting with macOS 13.0, NSImage
now conforms to the protocol. This has raised a problem: a collision between my old custom implementation and the new system implementation. I still need to keep my own implementation in code, in order to keep things working when the app runs on macOS < 13.0. The problem is I am getting the following compilation errors:
Getter for 'readableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider' with Objective-C selector 'readableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider' conflicts with previous declaration with the same Objective-C selector
Method 'object(withItemProviderData:typeIdentifier:)' with Objective-C selector 'objectWithItemProviderData:typeIdentifier:error:' conflicts with previous declaration with the same Objective-C selector
I tried appending @available (macOS, introduced: 10.15, obsoleted: 13.0)
to my code, to no effect.
The only workaround I found so far, is subclassing NSImage and write my implementation as an override
. Then I use my own class, instead of NSImage.
Is this a limitation? Or am I missing something?