Crash in string[range]

I made:

let substring = string[range]

and got:

Fatal error: String index is out of bounds

So I checked:

startIndex ≤ lowerBound ≤ upperBound ≤ endIndex

All ok, but still same crash. So I did:

let stringLimits = string.startIndex ..< string.endIndex 
let clampedRange = range.clamped(to: stringLimits) 
let substring = string[clampedRange]

Same crash.

Is there a function like:

Bool ok = string(compatibleWith: range)

Or something to this effect?

The reason seems to be that my range is not relative to my string.

On macOS:

@State var texSelection: TextSelection? = nil
Text("Click here")	 
.onTapGesture	//	does NOT work on macOS
	print("onTapGesture in Text")

TextField("Enter Text", text: $string, selection: $texSelection)

Clicking in the TextField sets texSelection; so far ok.

But clicking in Text also sets texSelection with a range relative to "Click here". This then will result further down in: "Fatal error: String index is out of bounds"

Any ideas what to do?

macOS 15.2
Xcode Version 16.2 (16C5032a)

This interaction between textSelection() and a @State ... : TextSelection where all selected text in the View uses the same State variable is, on first usage, jarring to say the least. This is largely a SwiftUI framework quirk.

However, to help with the immediate issue, you can use FocusState to determine whether the TextField or any Text_ views are being focused and only get the substring from that relevant text source.

Given your little snippet at the end, here is a sample that will get the relevant selected text either the Text or TextField.

struct ContentView: View {
    var textSelection: TextSelection? = nil
    var string: String = "asdf"
    var textText: String = "Click here"
    private var isTextFieldFocused: Bool
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
                "Enter Text",
                text: $string,
                selection: $textSelection
        .onChange(of: textSelection) { _, newValue in
            guard let newValue else { return }
            switch newValue.indices {
            case .selection(let range):
                if isTextFieldFocused {
                    print("TextField selection: \(string[range])")
                } else {
                    print("Text selection: \(textText[range])")
            case .multiSelection(let rangeSet):
                if isTextFieldFocused {
                    print("TextField selection: \(string[rangeSet])")
                } else {
                    print("Text selection: \(textText[rangeSet])")

#Preview {

Thanks a lot!

click on TextField
then click on Text
→ crash

To fix this, change:
.onChange(of: textSelection)
{ _, newValue in
.onChange(of: textSelection)
let newValue = textSelection
