Quick update - April 18
Hi everyone, I just wanted to update where we are with workgroups as there has been some time since the original post:
The core team has discussed how different workgroups will function and that there will be different "archetypes" for how workgroups will operate. For example, the C++ interoperability workgroup and the Swift on Server workgroup have other models in terms of membership, how and in what form they meet, the "product" of the workgroup, etc.
The core team is looking to have each workgroup have a semi-formal charter that outlines how the workgroup operates, its goals, and how it will interact with the rest of the Swift community.
Further, the core team wants each workgroup to directly tie in with the principles and goals of our Diversity in Swift workgroup. Related, the core team is looking at how to evolve the Diversity in Swift's workgroup's role with the rest of the project.
We're also looking at how the core team's role will change with the presence of a language design group and what other workgroups are natural to split off that currently are overseen most directly by the core team. The goal is to make the core team more of a general oversight group for the entire project.
We've had one video call for interest in a documentation tooling workgroup, and we'll be following up soon on the next steps for those who expressed interest in getting involved in such a workgroup. Further, there was a call for interest in participating in a Swift website workgroup. We are very encouraged by the enthusiastic outreach we received to that call for interest and plan to finalize the formation of that workgroup very soon.
I've been tardy in organizing a similar video conference call for those interested in bare-metal/embedded use cases of Swift. I apologize for that and plan to send out a call for interest in participating this week.
To summarize, to support the creation of the language workgroup, we're looking at the needed restructuring of the overall project to facilitate both that workgroup and the other ones people have expressed interest in creating. We're getting close to ironing those out, and you should expect more activity on these fronts to roll out in pieces over the coming weeks.