Conditional Conformance Problems

If you do that, Array’s conformance will be with the default method. The others will only ever be called if they happen to be an available static overload in a particular context. Namely:

let point = CGPoint(x: 1, y: 2)

// This will use the more‐specific overload.

func demonstrate<T>(_ array: [T]) {
    // But this will only ever use the default implementation...
demonstrate(CGPoint(point)) // ...even when you probably want the specific one.

Instead, try to design it like this:

protocol CustomArrayElementPlaygroundDisplayConvertible {
    // Declare whatever options you’ll use here.
    var somethingRelevant: String { get }

extension Array where Element : CustomArrayElementPlaygroundDisplayConvertible {
    var playgroundDescription: Any {
        // Construct something using CustomArrayElementPlaygroundDisplayConvertible.
        return map({ $0.somethingRelevant }).joined()

extension CGPoint : CustomArrayElementPlaygroundDisplayConvertible {
    // Conform...
extension Optional : CustomArrayElementPlaygroundDisplayConvertible
where Wrapped : CustomArrayElementPlaygroundDisplayConvertible {
    // Conform...

But you may want to do that on a wrapper instead of directly on Array, because there are pitfalls to creating a conformance of a protocol you do not control to a type you do not control.