[Concurrency] Interoperability with Objective-C

Looking at [Concurrency] Structured concurrency, I guess the Objective-C -> Swift import could work by having the progress being imported as a property of the underlying Task.

For instance, if we had the method described before, you could do:

async let result = try doSoethingThatTakesALongTime()
let progress = $result.progress // access the underlying `Task` and extract the progress from it

For the case of the @objc method implemented in swift, the progress could be generated by the system and made accessible, for instance using a single on Task:

func doSoethingThatTakesALongTime() throws async -> MyResult
   let progress = Task.current.progress // get a progress that the method can update, attach children, ...

or by passing it as a parameter of the method:

func doSoethingThatTakesALongTime(progress: Progress) throws async -> MyResult

What do you think?