Compiler getting confused with overloaded functions

I have two overloaded functions:

  internal static func execute(with arguments: [Argument], completion: ((Data) -> ())? = nil) throws
  internal static func execute(for fileURL: URL, arguments: [Argument], completion: ((Data) -> ())? = nil) throws

But from this function, if I try to call the second one:

  public static func keywords(for fileURL: URL) throws -> [String]?
    let arguments: [Argument] = […, …, …]
    var result: [String]?
    try execute(for: fileURL, arguments: arguments)
      … // completion closure
    return result

The compiler complains with "Extra argument 'arguments' in call"

If I change the completion closures on the execute(…) methods to throws, everything compiles fine.

  internal static func execute(with arguments: [Argument], completion: ((Data) throws -> ())? = nil) throws
  internal static func execute(for fileURL: URL, arguments: [Argument], completion: ((Data) throws -> ())? = nil) throws

But I don't want the closure to throw :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

(Xcode 10 beta 4)

If I call the execute function like this, I get the same error:

try execute(for: fileURL, arguments: arguments) {
    print("execution completed")

But this happens because the completion handler doesn't declare or ignore its Data parameter. So the whole expression doesn't type-check and the compiler emits a (bad) error message. If I instead call the function like this, everything works fine:

try execute(for: fileURL, arguments: arguments) { _ in
    print("execution completed")

Since you omitted the contents of the completion handler, I can't tell, but maybe your code has the same issue.

Hmmm. I am actually using the anonymous $0 in the closure, which gives it a definite context.

I also tried it with an explicit data in and got the same thing.

Oh could it be that you have a try expression (e.g., try f()) inside the completion closure, that's not wrapped in a do {} catch {} statement? Like this:

try execute(for: fileURL, arguments: arguments) { _ in
    try f()

This also gives me the same error message. And it would make sense that it can be fixed by declaring the completion closure with throws.

Hi Toni

No, but I do have a throw Error.couldNotRetrieveKeywords

So, thank you. I will have to go away and have a serious cogitate on what I am actually doing here :thinking:

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I would normally ask you to still file a bug for the suboptimal diagnostic, but in this case we have one: SR-1196. I've linked this thread there.

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