Comparing POP to OOP

Numerous tutorials that I have seen take a very Object-Oriented
approach to the protocol-oriented programming (POP) paradigm. By this
statement I mean that they tell us that with POP we should begin our
design with the protocol rather than with the superclass as we did
with OOP however the protocol design tends to mirror the superclass
design of OOP. They also tell us that we should use extensions to add
common functionality to types that conform to a protocol as we did
with superclasses in OOP. While protocols and protocol extensions are
arguably two of the most important concepts of POP these tutorials
seem to be missing some other very important concepts.

In this post I would like to compare Protocol-Oriented design to
Object-Oriented design to highlight some of the conceptual
differences. You can view the blog post here:
Mastering Swift: POP and OOP

While I agree that simply translating classes into protocols misses the
point, it seems as though your post still only deals with the
dynamically-polymorphic half of the protocol world. I don't see any
generics in there at all, for example. If you're really going for a
comprehensive view of POP, you need to get into that stuff too.


You are correct that POP is about so much more than what was covered
in this introductory post. This post was written to be an
introduction to be Protocol-Oriented programming with a comparison to
Object-Oriented programming.

POP was introduced to the World less than a year ago.

Yes, I was there ;-)

Over the next few years, as Swift changes and matures; the
Protocol-Oriented programming paradigm will mature with it. Hopefully
I can continue to write about these changes as well.

I hope so.

My book does cover POP and the technologies that make up POP more
extensively than this post does however I plan on writing several more
posts, as time allows with my day job, to expand not only on this post
but also on the material in my book.

I'm definitely interested to see more.

Thanks for your work on this,


on Sat Mar 05 2016, Jon Hoffman <> wrote:

On Feb 25, 2016, at 7:29 PM, Dave Abrahams via swift-users <> wrote:
on Sun Feb 14 2016, Jon Hoffman <> wrote:
