Cannot pass PartialKeyPath<T> to generic function

I'm having problems calling this method:

public struct Validation
  public static func register<declaringT : Object, propertyT, contextT : Object>(keyPath: PartialKeyPath<declaringT>, closure: @escaping ValidatorClosure<declaringT, propertyT, contextT>)

The calling code is:

extension Person : StaticInitialisable
  public static var staticInit: (() -> ())? =
    Validation.register(keyPath: \
      owner, args, context in

      if args.newValue == nil
        args.Message = "The name of a Person cannot be nil. Do you wish to continue?";

        args.ErrorSeverity = ValidationErrorSeverity.Confirm;

I was hoping that, by passing a PartialKeyPath to the receiving method, it would be enough to infer the type.

I even explicitly typed the input parameters to the closure in the hope that that would work but, no joy.

extension Person : StaticInitialisable
  public static var staticInit: (() -> ())? =
    Validation.register(keyPath: \
      (owner: Person, args, context: Person) -> ()

      if args.newValue == nil
        args.Message = "The name of a Person cannot be nil. Do you wish to continue?";

        args.ErrorSeverity = ValidationErrorSeverity.Confirm;

Any ideas please?

What is Object? What is ValidatorClosure? What is Person? What is StaticInitialisable? What error message is the compiler giving you? It's difficult to help when I can't reproduce your problem on my machine.


ValidatorClosure<declaringT, propertyT, contextT> is an alias for (subjectT, ValidationEventArgs<propertyT>, contextT) -> ()

Person is a subclass of Object, which is a base class, the details of which are not relevant to this code.

StaticInitialisable is a protocol, which has the one static var staticInit which holds a parameterless closure.

And the error is:

    Validation.register(keyPath: \ // error : Type '_' has no member 'name' 
      (owner: Person, args, context: Person) -> ()

Solved !!!

The Validation method signature should be:

public struct Validation
  public static func register<declaringT : Object, propertyT, contextT : Object>(keyPath: KeyPath<declaringT, propertyT>, closure: @escaping ValidatorClosure<declaringT, propertyT, contextT>)

Thanks for the "rubber duck consultancy™"

I'm glad you solved your problem. Next time please try to reduce your problem to a Minimal, Complete and Verifiable example to make it easier for others to help you. :slight_smile: