I’m not sure from the code you’ve provided the use of indirect enum anywhere. This example stores enums inline (on stack… kinda). The only thing that allocates is the somethings array.
Since arrays allocate their storage on the heap, there is no need for an additional indirection. An indirect enum it would be needed to make the type’s memory layout non-recursive.
If you wanted to optimize allocations (utilize a temporary fixed-size on-stack buffer or an arena allocator) this is a lot more tricky in swift. AFAIK swift doesn’t support plugging-in custom allocators for the arrays. You can do UnsafeBuffer trickery yourself to do that (all of the C knowledge of memory management apply here). Just don’t expect standard library containers to help you there.
As long as the size of the data structure isn't known until run time, you can't eliminate the heap allocation, but you could conceivably store all of your enum values in an array, and replace the indirect cases with indices into this array. If the enum type then becomes BitwiseCopyable, it should be pretty efficient to fill this array and then destroy it at the end.
As for avoiding the heap allocation (that's due to array) if you really want to do that – do those arrays have an upper bound of the item count? Is that max count small?
Provided the maximum depth of your structures is small enough you'd be able "allocating" the somethings on stack, e.g. for the list of a few items you'd call some function recursively a few times. A sketch implementation that avoids heap allocation:
struct Foo {
let payload: Int
struct Bar {
let something: UnsafePointer<Something>?
let payload: Int
enum Something {
case foo(Foo)
case bar(Bar)
for _ in 0 ..< 10 {
Something.random { something in
extension Foo: CustomStringConvertible {
static func random(execute: (Self) -> Void) {
execute(Foo(payload: .random(in: 0 ... 100)))
public var description: String {
"\(payload) "
extension Bar: CustomStringConvertible {
static func notSoRandom(something: UnsafePointer<Something>?, execute: (Self) -> Void) {
execute(Bar(something: something, payload: .random(in: 0 ... 100)))
public var description: String {
if let something {
" \(payload) -> \(something.pointee)"
} else {
" \(payload) -> nil "
extension Something: CustomStringConvertible {
static func random(execute: (Self) -> Void) {
if .random() {
Foo.random { foo in
} else {
if .random() {
Something.random { something in
var something = something
Bar.notSoRandom(something: &something) { bar in
} else {
Bar.notSoRandom(something: nil) { bar in
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .foo(let foo):
"Foo \(foo) "
case .bar(let bar):
"Bar \(bar) "
Example that generates and plots random data structures:
Bar 92 -> Bar 85 -> Foo 86
Foo 50
Foo 66
Foo 93
Bar 29 -> Bar 70 -> Bar 78 -> nil
Foo 7
Foo 75
Foo 31
Bar 24 -> nil
Bar 7 -> nil
Key points:
no heap allocation! †
using linked lists instead of arrays
callback-style API
a non-callback style API is possible but more tricky.
UnsafePointer's are used"safely" here, i.e. the app won't be able to crash due to unsafety of those UnsafePointer's ††. Unfortunately there is no way in current Swift to express this without using "Unsafe" word †††.
† no heap allocation "for the data structures themselves" I mean. In this app there will be obvious heap allocation due to usage of strings for logging
†† the app could still crash e.g. due to stack overflow unless you put some limits on the data structure depth
††† or is there a way to express this without Unsafe?