Build error for simulator with swift package dependency. "Cannot open file handle for file at path: .framework"

I made a simple blank project and added Bugsee via swift-package-manager (Xcode 12.5.1).

Its located on GitHub - bugsee/spm

I can successfully build project for iOS Device.

But it fails for Simulator. And the error is not really verbose (i shortened the path):

Cannot open file handle for file at path: Path(str: ".../Bugsee.xcframework/ios-arm64_i386_x86_64-simulator/Bugsee.framework")

What does it mean?

The path is valid and the framework is there.

I also found that build for simulator is OK after I have added Bugsee.xcframework into Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content.

What is wrong?

It looks like SPM in Xcode have an issue with i386 arch.
Bugsee released 1.28.0 with dropped support for i386 arch. And now build for simulator is OK.