Just a reminder: mutating a collection while holding a reference to its indices
property is a performance trap which may duplicate the entire collection. The documentation specifically calls this out, saying,
I'm confused. If you're shifting a particular element to end, then unless that element is already at the end (in which case it's a no-op), it's equivalent to shifting the immediately following element to start, is it not?
D'oh! You're right; I forgot that the endIndex == startIndex
if we're wrapping around. Sorry for bothering everyone here!
Yes, I mentioned this too in a reply. But you need branching code since endIndex
isnât dereferenceable.
It does appear that you've kept O(n2) for
and O(n) forpermuteForward(by:)
; very nice job translating the C++, by the way. If we're looking for further optimizations, here's what I came up with:
For isPermutation
, now I see why. Pre-fetching the indices and the loop are O(n). But the calls to partition
and distance
within the loop are also O(n), multiplying to a total O(n2).
I wonder how often will users compare collections with a common prefix, and how long those prefixes typically are; where the O(n) short-circuit with diverges(with:)
(i.e. C++'s std::mismatch
) would be worth it?
var myIndices = Array(indices), otherIndices = Array(other.indices)
This allocates O(n) space (and it takes O(n) time? The documentation isn't clear on it). If we're fine doing this, it may be worth providing specialized, faster methods when available. In particular, if
is comparable we cansort
the twoCollection
s and then check if they're equal in O(n log n) time, and ifElement
we can do it in O(n) time by using aDictionary
If Element
conforms to both Comparable
and Hashable
, how would we make sure the Hashable
specialization is called?
guard myIndices.count == otherIndices.count else { return false }
Is there a reason why you put this inside the loop? Why not pull it out so it's not evaluated every time?
I had a similar thought. The first run through that guard
checks both collections' count. But subsequent ones make sure that the number of elements that don't match the target value (of the previous loop) match. But to double-check: since the other guard
makes sure the number of elements that match the target value are equal; assuming the collection and target counts pass, then the non-target counts have to match each loop-through due to the laws of subtraction. So it'd be safe to move the per-loop count check.
let backIndices = indices.reversed()
It appears you're creating this because you're using it with
; if we had alastIndex(where:)
I don't think you'd need this. Something that we should add to the standard library?
One last thing, unrelated to algorithmic complexity: I'd like to include some more documentation in these methods, covering exactly what you've mentioned here: "short circuits if the collections are equal, have size 0" etc. so that future enhancers know what sort of guarantees to provide.
extension Collection {
/// Returns each index of this and the other collection where their leading elements stop being equivalent.
func diverges<C: Collection>(with other: C, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> (Index, C.Index) where C.Element == Element {
var selfIndex = startIndex, otherIndex = other.startIndex
while selfIndex != endIndex, otherIndex != other.endIndex {
guard try areEquivalent(self[selfIndex], other[otherIndex]) else { break }
formIndex(after: &selfIndex)
other.formIndex(after: &otherIndex)
return (selfIndex, otherIndex)
/// Returns whether this collection's elements are a rearrangment of the other's, using the given predicate for equivalence.
func isPermutation<C: Collection>(of other: C, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool where C.Element == Element {
// Strike elements from consideration through their indexes.
var selfIndices = Array(indices), otherIndices = Array(other.indices)
guard selfIndices.count == otherIndices.count else { return false }
// Only consider the elements past a common prefix.
let commonPrefixEndOnSelf = try diverges(with: other, by: areEquivalent).0
let commonPrefixCount = distance(from: startIndex, to: commonPrefixEndOnSelf)
// Remove each element value from consideration for both `self` and `other`.
while let nextIndex = selfIndices.first {
// Sort out the considered value.
let nextValue = self[nextIndex]
let selfPivot = try selfIndices.partition { try areEquivalent(self[$0], nextValue) }
let otherPivot = try otherIndices.partition { try areEquivalent(other[$0], nextValue) }
let selfMatchCount = selfIndices.distance(from: selfPivot, to: selfIndices.endIndex)
let otherMatchCount = otherIndices.distance(from: otherPivot, to: otherIndices.endIndex)
guard selfMatchCount == otherMatchCount else { return false }
// Remove the value.
// Because of the first `guard`, any values in `other` not in `self` would have made the count of a shared value shorter, and triggered the second `guard`.
return true
extension Collection where Element: Equatable {
/// Returns each index of this and the other collection where their common prefix ends.
func diverges<C: Collection>(with other: C) -> (Index, C.Index) where C.Element == Element {
return diverges(with: other, by: ==)
/// Returns whether this collection's elements are a rearrangment of the other's.
func isPermutation<C: Collection>(of other: C) -> Bool where C.Element == Element {
return isPermutation(of: other, by: ==)
extension BidirectionalCollection {
/// Returns the last index in which an element of the collection satisfies the given predicate.
func index(lastlyWhere predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Index? {
return try reversed().index(where: predicate).map { index(before: $0.base) }
/// Returns each index of this and the other collection where their trailing elements start being equivalent.
func converges<C: BidirectionalCollection>(with other: C, by areEquivalent: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> (Index, C.Index) where C.Element == Element {
let (selfIndex, otherIndex) = try reversed().diverges(with: other.reversed(), by: areEquivalent)
return (index(before: selfIndex.base), other.index(before: otherIndex.base))
extension BidirectionalCollection where Element: Equatable {
/// Returns the last index where the specified value appears in the collection.
func index(forLastOf element: Element) -> Index? {
return index(lastlyWhere: { $0 == element })
/// Returns each index of this and the other collection where their common suffix starts.
func converges<C: BidirectionalCollection>(with other: C) -> (Index, C.Index) where C.Element == Element {
return converges(with: other, by: ==)
extension BidirectionalCollection where Self: MutableCollection {
/// Rearrages this collection's elements to the next permutation lexiographically determined by the given predicate, or a sorted collection if already at the last permutation.
mutating func permuteForward(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool {
// An empty collection is already at its only permutation state.
guard var current = index(endIndex, offsetBy: -1, limitedBy: startIndex) else { return false }
// So is a single-element collection.
while let beforeCurrent = index(current, offsetBy: -1, limitedBy: startIndex) {
// Find the last pair of consecutive elments where forward iteration increases the value.
guard try areInIncreasingOrder(self[beforeCurrent], self[current]) else {
current = beforeCurrent
// Find the last element not smaller than the earlier element of the previous pair. (If all else fails, this must hit the latter element of the previous pair.)
let lastNotLessThanBeforeCurrent = try index(lastlyWhere: { try areInIncreasingOrder(self[beforeCurrent], $0) })!
// Update to a lexiographically-later permutation.
swapAt(beforeCurrent, lastNotLessThanBeforeCurrent)
self[current ..< endIndex].reverse() // `self[current...].reverse()` doesn't work.
return true
// At the last permutation; reset to the first one. This is a no-op for single-element collections.
return false
/// Rearranges this collection's elements to the previous permutation lexiographically determined by the given predicate, or a reversed-sorted collection if already at the first permutation.
mutating func permuteBackward(by areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Bool {
// An empty collection is already at its only permutation state.
guard var current = index(endIndex, offsetBy: -1, limitedBy: startIndex) else { return false }
// So is a single-element collection.
while let beforeCurrent = index(current, offsetBy: -1, limitedBy: startIndex) {
// Find the last pair of consecutive elments where backward iteration increases the value.
guard try areInIncreasingOrder(self[current], self[beforeCurrent]) else {
current = beforeCurrent
// Find the last element smaller than the earlier element of the previous pair. (If all else fails, this must hit the latter element of the previous pair.)
let lastLessThanBeforeCurrent = try index(lastlyWhere: { try areInIncreasingOrder($0, self[beforeCurrent]) })!
// Update to a lexiographically-earlier permutation.
swapAt(beforeCurrent, lastLessThanBeforeCurrent)
self[current ..< endIndex].reverse() // `self[current...].reverse()` doesn't work.
return true
// At the first permutation; reset to the last one. This is a no-op for single-element collections.
return false
extension BidirectionalCollection where Self: MutableCollection, Element: Comparable {
/// Rearrages this collection's elements to the next lexiographical permutation, or a sorted collection if already at the last permutation.
mutating func permuteForward() -> Bool {
return permuteForward(by: <)
/// Rearranges this collection's elements to the previous lexiographical permutation, or a reversed-sorted collection if already at the first permutation.
mutating func permuteBackward() -> Bool {
return permuteBackward(by: <)
extension Collection {
/// Returns the elements of the collection, permuted one step forward using the given predicate to compare elements, unless already at the last permutation.
func nextPermutation(orderedBy areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element]? {
var result = Array(self)
let hasMore = try result.permuteForward(by: areInIncreasingOrder)
return hasMore ? result : nil
/// Returns the elements of the collection, permuted one step backward using the given predicate to compare elements, unless already at the first permutation.
func previousPermutation(orderedBy areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element]? {
var result = Array(self)
let hasMore = try result.permuteBackward(by: areInIncreasingOrder)
return hasMore ? result : nil
extension Collection where Element: Comparable {
/// Returns the elements of the collection, permuted one step forward, unless already at the last permutation.
func nextPermutation() -> [Element]? {
return nextPermutation(orderedBy: <)
/// Returns the elements of the collection, permuted one step backward, unless already at the first permutation.
func previousPermutation() -> [Element]? {
return previousPermutation(orderedBy: <)
extension RangeReplaceableCollection {
/// Returns a copy of the collection, permuted one step forward using the given predicate to compare elements, unless already at the last permutation.
func nextPermutation(orderedBy areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self? {
let result: [Element]? = try self.nextPermutation(orderedBy: areInIncreasingOrder)
return result.map { Self($0) }
/// Returns a copy of the collection, permuted one step backward using the given predicate to compare elements, unless already at the first permutation.
func previousPermutation(orderedBy areInIncreasingOrder: (Element, Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self? {
let result: [Element]? = try self.previousPermutation(orderedBy: areInIncreasingOrder)
return result.map { Self($0) }
extension RangeReplaceableCollection where Element: Comparable {
/// Returns a copy of the collection, permuted one step forward, unless already at the last permutation.
func nextPermutation() -> Self? {
return nextPermutation(orderedBy: <)
/// Returns a copy of the collection, permuted one step backward, unless already at the first permutation.
func previousPermutation() -> Self? {
return previousPermutation(orderedBy: <)