Best way to call a Swift function from C?

While there’s no official way to call a Swift function directly from C, you can set up a function pointer that’s callable from C. Whether that helps you depends on your exact circumstances. For example, on Apple platforms it’s super useful for integrating with C APIs that use C callbacks (things like CFRunLoop observers).

Pasted in a below is an example sans anything Apple-ish.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

// main.swift

private func printGreeting(modifier: UnsafePointer<CChar>) {
    print("Hello \(String(cString: modifier))World!")

var callbacks = SomeCLibCallbacks(
    printGreeting: { (modifier) in
        printGreeting(modifier: modifier)


// SomeCLib.h

#ifndef SomeCLib_h
#define SomeCLib_h

struct SomeCLibCallbacks {
    void (* _Nonnull printGreeting)(const char * _Nonnull modifier);
typedef struct SomeCLibCallbacks SomeCLibCallbacks;

extern void SomeCLibSetup(const SomeCLibCallbacks * _Nonnull callbacks);

extern void SomeCLibTest(void);


// SomeCLib.c

#include "SomeCLib.h"

static SomeCLibCallbacks sCallbacks;

extern void SomeCLibSetup(const SomeCLibCallbacks * callbacks) {
    sCallbacks = *callbacks;

extern void SomeCLibTest(void) {
    sCallbacks.printGreeting("Cruel ");