Basic Swift ownership-y questions

Hey Dan, sorry for the delay, here MHO:

We had a series of discussions in Yellowstone/DA6 that solidified in my mind that Swift 1.0 didn't need to have rule of 3/5 and that we needed to bake out the rest of the model before we worried about this, so we pushed it off years ago.

However, Swift's internal implementation model intentionally embraces the rule of 5, and imported C++ types should someday be able to fully take advantage of this. This is also important for core Swift features like definitive initialization which needs to reason about the difference between init vs assign, and optimizations like RVO that turn assignments into moves.

The question to me has always been "how do we realize this for Swift programmers" in a way that preserves the principles that make Swift truly great (incl progressive disclosure of complexity, preferencing value semantic types, and trusting the library developer to know better than the language designer). As we've moved forward into the years, Swift has an early but developing model for ownership, as well as a growing community that care about low level performance.

I think that now (or perhaps 6-12 months from now when then concurrency work is settling) would be a good time to reopen these questions. It is not a core premise of Swift that ARC overhead is the only thing that happens during a "copy constructor". Nor is it a core premise of Swift that people who care about rule of 5 should be forced into terrible and inefficient workarounds involving classes to materialize those designs.

My expectation for Swift over time is that we can trust the library developer to know what is best for their clients, be able to intelligently weigh the tradeoffs and achieve their goals. As language designers, we should make sure that Swift programmers don't accidentally stumble into an "experts only" tarpit without understanding the issues, but we don't need to decide that "experts are bad" and all tarpits should be definitionally eliminated.
