An Implementation Model for Rational Protocol Conformance Behavior

That's not actually the model I suggest we use. As I see it, there are two aspects to type

  • Nominal type identity, e.g. “Swift.Set<A.X>” or “A.X” (where A is a module)
  • Conformance set, e.g. {how A.X conforms to Hashable, how Swift.Set<A.X> conforms to Equatable}

When code expresses a requirement that two types are the same, it means:

  1. the nominal type identities are equal
  2. the conformance sets are non-conflicting

Two conformance sets conflict when they indicate the same nominal type conforms to a given protocol in two different ways.

In this model,

  • In your example, the conformance of String to P in my own module does not prevent an Array<String> created there from interoperating with any other APIs.
  • In my example, you could call doSomething() on the value produced by B.uniqueXs, but only by passing it through a context (module) where X does not conform to Equatable, and thus the concept of “unique Xs” has no meaning.

This model generalizes to scoped conformances this way for your example: if P is public but String: P is internal, another module could declare a different String: P conformance. Only then would that module's APIs involving String become incompatible with those from the module where the first conformance was defined.

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