An Implementation Model for Rational Protocol Conformance Behavior

@Douglas_Gregor, for your consideration sometime after the WWDC crush ends:

Regarding conformance of a type to a progressively refined protocol hierarchy, it appears that the Protocol Witness Table Pattern for a conditional conformance to a "child" protocol disregards the default implementations declared by that protocol.

For the sake of clarity, here is a minimum example:

protocol P { var id: Int { get } }
extension P { var id: Int { 1 } }

protocol Q: P {}
extension Q { var id: Int { 2 } }

struct X<T>: P {}
extension X: Q where T: Equatable {}

func callId<T: Q>(_ t: T) -> Int { } // dispatches to `` even thought T: Q

print( callId( X<Int>() ) ) // "1", not "2"

In the resultant binary, the Protocol Witness Table Pattern for X: Q does not point to as the witness for the id requirement. AFAICS, the table pattern for X: Q solely points to the protocol witness table for X: P.

excerpts from binary
    // protocol witness table pattern 
    // for <A where A: Swift.Equatable> main.X<A> : main.Q in main
0000000100002030         db  0xe4 ; '.'  << first word points to Q protocol descriptor
0000000100002031         db  0x1e ; '.'
0000000100002032         db  0x00 ; '.'
0000000100002033         db  0x00 ; '.'
0000000100002034         db  0x01 ; '.'
0000000100002035         db  0x00 ; '.'
0000000100002036         db  0x00 ; '.'
0000000100002037         db  0x00 ; '.'
0000000100002038         db  0x20 ; ' '  << second word points to PWT for X: P
0000000100002039         db  0x20 ; ' '
000000010000203a         db  0x00 ; '.'
000000010000203b         db  0x00 ; '.'
000000010000203c         db  0x01 ; '.'
000000010000203d         db  0x00 ; '.'
000000010000203e         db  0x00 ; '.'
000000010000203f         db  0x00 ; '.'
    // protocol witness table for main.X<A> : main.P in main
0000000100002020         db  0x18 ; '.'  << points to protocol conf descriptor for X: P
0000000100002021         db  0x1e ; '.'
0000000100002022         db  0x00 ; '.'
0000000100002023         db  0x00 ; '.'
0000000100002024         db  0x01 ; '.'
0000000100002025         db  0x00 ; '.'
0000000100002026         db  0x00 ; '.'
0000000100002027         db  0x00 ; '.'
0000000100002028         db  0x60 ; '`'  << points to witness
0000000100002029         db  0x19 ; '.'
000000010000202a         db  0x00 ; '.'
000000010000202b         db  0x00 ; '.'
000000010000202c         db  0x01 ; '.'
000000010000202d         db  0x00 ; '.'
000000010000202e         db  0x00 ; '.'
000000010000202f         db  0x00 ; '.'

When calling into the Q-constrained generic context of callId<T: Q>(_ t: T) -> Int, the assembly code correctly selects and passes an instantiated X: Q Protocol Witness Table. But, since the table doesn't point at the witness, the call to id is dispatched to the witness.

excerpt from assembly code
push       rbp
mov        rbp, rsp
sub        rsp, 0x20
mov        rax, qword [_$sSiN_100002008]      ; _$sSiN_100002008
mov        dword [rbp+var_4], edi
mov        rdi, rax                           ; argument #1 for method X.init
mov        qword [rbp+var_10], rsi
call       _$s4main1XVACyxGycfC               ; main.X.init() -> main.X<A>
xor        ecx, ecx
mov        edi, ecx                           ; argument #1 for method _$s4main1XVySiGMa
call       _$s4main1XVySiGMa                  ; type metadata accessor for main.X<Swift.Int>
mov        qword [rbp+var_18], rax
mov        qword [rbp+var_20], rdx
call       _$s4main1XVySiGACyxGAA1QAASQRzlWl   ; lazy protocol witness table accessor
                                               ; for type X<Int> and conformance 
                                               ; <A where A: Equatable> X<A> : main.Q

mov        rsi, qword [rbp+var_18]             ; argument #2 for method main.callId
mov        rdx, rax                            ; argument #3 for method main.callId
call       _$s4main6callIdySixAA1QRzlF         ; callId<A where A: main.Q>(A) -> Int
xor        ecx, ecx
mov        qword [_$s4main6resultSivp], rax    ; _$s4main6resultSivp
mov        eax, ecx
add        rsp, 0x20
pop        rap

Yes, the X: Q conformance is conditional, but since the table is used only in contexts in which the condition is satisfied, the table should (?) point to Q's implementations.

Am I misunderstanding?