An Implementation Model for Rational Protocol Conformance Behavior

I think the question of how handle to the documentation is important enough that it deserves its own thread, which I'll launch in the next couple of days. Before I do that, though, would you kindly help me map the quoted text from the space of implementation details into the space of something a Swift programmer might understand, such as an example (if not a description of the intended language semantics)?

I suspect you mean you want the following program to print "Q Q".

protocol P { var id: String {get} }
extension P {
   var id: String { "P" }
   var id2: String { id }
struct X<T>: P {}
protocol Q: P {}
extension Q { var id: String { "Q" } }
extension X: Q where T: Equatable {}
print(X<Int>().id, X<Int>().id2) // "Q P" today.

Is that correct?