Amusing function return warning in swift 3

My first try with 5/31 swift 3 snapshot gave me a warning regarding an unused return value -- in main.swift. Wouldn’t you know, NS ApplicationMain is declared as

func NSApplicationMain(_ argc: Int32,
    _ argv: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>?>) -> Int32

And what does the second line of function help say?

"This method never returns a result code."

OK ;)

I had similar issues with UIApplicationMain when I moved to Swift 3:

<rdar://problem/25693546> UIApplicationMain's argv parameter should be declared nullable

Presumably NSApplicationMain's argv parameter needs the same nullable annotation.



On Jun 12, 2016, at 3:56 PM, Marco S Hyman via swift-users <> wrote:

My first try with 5/31 swift 3 snapshot gave me a warning regarding an unused return value -- in main.swift. Wouldn’t you know, NS ApplicationMain is declared as

func NSApplicationMain(_ argc: Int32,
   _ argv: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>?>) -> Int32

And what does the second line of function help say?

"This method never returns a result code."

OK ;)
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