Allow Error protocol to work with @ rethrows

rethrows doesn’t make sense for get() , because it doesn’t take a closure argument. Did you mean throws , or are you proposing a new meaning for rethrows ?

@ksluder the language feature for this is already implemented as part of this pitch. This discussion is just for Error protocol to confirm to this existing feature. I have added detail in my original post as well.

I think there’s an even easier solution to your problem without introducing a new language feature: offer a non-throwing version of get when Failure is Never:

  extension Result where Failure == Never {
    func get() -> Success {
      switch self {
        case .success(let x): return x
        case .failure(_): fatalError("unreachable")

This is exactly what I want to be addressed, instead of adding separate implementation for Never type for every generic type, using existing language feature this can be handled with the same implementation.