(edit: marked the code as spoiler, just in case)
OK, I'm stuck in day 24 - part 1. Yes, the one that's supposed to be easy.
My function to check for intersecting hailstones works for the example input, however, not for the actual input. This is how I determine the intersection point:
struct HailStone {
let position: DVector3
let velocity: DVector3
// initializers ...
func intersectsXY(_ other: HailStone, searchArea: ClosedRange<Float80>) -> DVector2D? {
// check for hailstones that are on the same line
// paralel lines on same segment have a dot product of -1 or 1
let dot_velocities = DVector2D.dot(velocity.xy.normalized, other.velocity.xy.normalized)
if dot_velocities == -1 || dot_velocities == 1 {
// same direction, but are they the same?
let line_from_one_to_the_other = (other.position.xy - position.xy).normalized
let dot_lineVelocity = DVector2D.dot(line_from_one_to_the_other, velocity.xy.normalized)
// again, the line from this hailstones position to the other hailstones position should be either the velocity or the inverse of the velocity. I.e. dot product should be -1 or 1.
if dot_lineVelocity == -1 || dot_lineVelocity == 1 {
// as the lines are the same, it doesn't really matter which position to return.
return position.xy
// Calculate intersection using function on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Line–line_intersection
// Points on the first line segment (this hailstone)
let p1 = position.xy
let p2 = position.xy + velocity.xy * 1_000_000
// Points on the second line segment (other hailstone)
let p3 = other.position.xy
let p4 = other.position.xy + other.velocity.xy * 1_000_000
// Determinants of the line segments
let det_l1 = DVector2D.det(p1, p2)
let det_l2 = DVector2D.det(p3, p4)
let den = (p1.x - p2.x) * (p3.y - p4.y) - (p1.y - p2.y) * (p3.x - p4.x)
// X coordinate
let px_nom = det_l1 * (p3.x - p4.x) - (p1.x - p2.x) * det_l2
let px = px_nom / den
// Y coordinate
let py_nom = det_l1 * (p3.y - p4.y) - (p1.y - p2.y) * det_l2
let py = py_nom / den
let p_intersect = DVector2D(x: px, y: py)
// checks
// inside search area?
guard searchArea.contains(px) && searchArea.contains(py) else {
print("Found intersection (\(px),\(py)), but outside of search range")
return nil
// in the future for this hailstone? (dot product > 0)
let line1 = (p_intersect - position.xy).normalized
guard DVector2D.dot(line1, velocity.xy.normalized) >= 0 else {
print("Found intersection (\(px),\(py)), but it's in the past for this hailstone")
return nil
// in the future for the other hailstone? (dot product > 0)
let line2 = (p_intersect - other.position.xy).normalized
guard DVector2D.dot(line2, velocity.xy.normalized) >= 0 else {
print("Found intersection (\(px),\(py)), but it's in the past for the other hailstone")
return nil
return DVector2D(x: px, y: py)
DVector3 and DVector2 are vector structs based on Float80s (that should be precise enough right?). They have some utility functions to add/substract/multiply/..., normalize, calculate dot product, determinant.
This code should be able to determine the intersections for:
- hailstones on different velocities and different start positions (if the intersection is in the search space)
- hailstones that are on the same line - both when going in the same directions as well as in opposite directions.
For the example, this code returns the correct conclusions. However, for the actual input, it returns too few intersections. So I guess I'm missing a case to check for.
I do hope I'm just missing a case. Not that floating point precision is causing issues because that's not something I could easily solve.
Any ideas?
(full code here: AoC2023/day24 at main · maartene/AoC2023 · GitHub )