Add sort overload to Sequence to sort by a Comparable attribute of elements

Hi! Something like this has been discussed several times. You might find the following pitch to be edifying:


In the latter thread, @Ben_Cohen (from the core team) writes:

I think there is a lot of room for ergonomic improvements to sorting, so it's great to see this!

I would suggest, though, taking a step back and thinking about all the different aspects of this as a a whole. Individual targeted fixes are nice, but risk API sprawl when they handle some cases not others, leading to other targeted fixes.

Some topics to consider:

  • key paths vs closures
    • note, localized/caseless sorting is also painful, but at least doable, with closure-based arguments
    • including weighing the pros/cons of parametrizing with ascending/descending choice (not a technique that sits well with the existing idioms used in the std lib)
  • sorting by a sequence of comparators, lexicographically
  • partial sorting/partitioning

A great place to start would be a comparison with the existing APIs to be found in other places i.e. Java, Ruby, Cocoa (which has all sorts of different ways to sort, sortUsingDescriptors being particularly of interest).