[Accepted] SE-0034 - Disambiguating Line Control Statements from Debugging Identifiers

Per discussion with the Core Team (driven by SE-0039), this proposal has been revised to align with a broader and more consistent consistent naming scheme. Specifically, we prefer identifiers in the # namespace to use lower-camel case, and to follow the syntax of a primary declaration, statement, or expression from the base language wherever possible.

In the case of SE-0034, instead of the formerly accepted:

  #setline 42 “foo” // Set logical position.
  #setline // Reset logical position.

SE-0034 now specifies a syntax of:

  #sourceLocation(file: "foo", line: 42) // Set logical position.
  #sourceLocation() // Reset logical position.

This provides syntax that looks like an imperative function call that affects the logical source location at that point in the file.

Given that this feature is not a widely visible end-user feature and that the core team had agreement on this point, we’re taking the unusual step of just amending an already accepted proposal (in an effort to reduce unnecessary process overhead). However, if you have any concerns about this, please bring them up on swift-evolution.




On Feb 27, 2016, at 10:20 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner@apple.com> wrote:

Proposal Link: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0034-disambiguating-line.md

The review of SE-0034 "Disambiguating Line Control Statements from Debugging Identifiers" ran from Feb 17…22, 2016. The proposal has been *accepted*:

The community and core team both widely agree that this is a straight-forward fix to an uncommonly used feature.

Thank you to Erica Sadun for driving this forward. If someone is interested in a starter project, this would be a great one to tackle. I filed [SR-840] Implement support for SE-0034 -> Renaming #line directive to #setline · Issue #43452 · apple/swift · GitHub to track this.

-Chris Lattner
Review Manager