5.3 Resources support not working on with `swift test`

Has there been any progress on this? Seems to also be happening for pure swift projects as well.

I have a project where I have included resources in my test bundle.

Building, testing, accessing the module bundle within Xcode works fine.

running swift test and swift test --generate-linuxmain fail with the following error:

Fatal error: could not load resource bundle: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/libexec/swift/pm/BeartoothSDK_BeartoothSDKTests.bundle: file BeartoothSDKTests/resource_bundle_accessor.swift, line 7

here's my package manifest:

// swift-tools-version:5.3

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
	name: "BeartoothSDK",
	products: [
		.library(name: "BeartoothSDK", targets: ["BeartoothSDK"]),
	dependencies: [],
	targets: [
		.target(name: "BeartoothSDK", dependencies: []),
			name: "BeartoothSDKTests",
			dependencies: ["BeartoothSDK"],
			resources: [.process("Resources")]