[Pitch] Clock, Instant, Date, and Duration


The concepts of time can be broken down into three distinct parts: an item to provide a concept of now plus a way to wake up after a given point in time, a concept of a point in time, and a concept of a measurement in time. These three items are respectively a clock, an instant and a duration. The measurement of time can be used for many types of APIs, all the way from the high levels of a concept of a timeout on a network connection, to the amount of time to sleep a task. Currently the APIs that take measurement of time types take NSTimeInterval aka TimeInterval, DispatchTimeInterval, and even types like timespec.


To define a standard way of interacting with time we need to ensure that in the cases where it is important to limit clock measurement to a specific concept that ability is preserved - e.g. if an API can only accept realtime deadlines as instants, that API cannot be passed to a monotonic instant etc. This specificity needs to be balanced with the ergonomics of being able to use high level APIs with little encumbrance of needing to know exactly the time type that is needed; in UI it might not be welcoming to starting off developers learning swift to force them to understand the differential between the myriad of clock concepts available for the operating system. Likewise any implementation must be robust and performant enough to support multiple operating system back ends (Linux, Darwin, Windows etc) but also be easy enough to get right for the common use cases. Practically speaking, durations should be a progressive disclosure to instants and clocks.

From a performance standpoint a distinct requirement is that any duration type (or clock type) must be reasonably performant enough to do tasks like measuring the execution performance of a function without incurring a large overhead to the execution of the measurement. This means that any type that is expressing a duration should be small, and likely backed by some sort of (or group of) PoD type(s).

Time it self is always measured in a manner that is in reference to a certain frame of analysis. For example uptime is measured in relative perspective to how long the machine has been booted, whereas wall clock measurements are sourced from a network transaction to update time as a reference to coordinated universal time (UTC). Any instants expressed in terms of boot time versus UTC wall clock time can only be converted in a potentially lossy manner. Wall clock times can always be safely transmitted from one machine to another since the frame of reference is shared, whereas boot time on the other hand is meaningless when transmitted from two machines but quite meaningful when transmitted from process to process on the same machine.

As it stands today there are a number of APIs and types to represent clocks, instants, and durations. Foundation for example defines instant as Date, which is constructed from a wall clock reference point, and TimeInterval which is defined as a Double representing the number of seconds between two points in time. Dispatch defines DispatchTime, DispatchWallTime and DispatchTimeInterval, these respectively work in relation to a reference of uptime, a wall clock time and a value of seconds/milliseconds/microseconds/nanoseconds. These obviously are not the only definitions but when dealing with concurrency a uniform accessor to all of these concepts is helpful to build the primitives needed for sleep and other temporal concepts.


Time is relative, temporal types doubley so. In this document there will be some discussion with regards to the categorization of temporal types that readers should be distinctly aware of.

Absolute Time - Time that always increments but suspends while the machine is asleep. The reference point at which this starts is relative to the boot time of the machine so no-two machines would be expected to have the same uptime values.

Calendar - A human locale based system in which to measure time.

Clock - The mechanism in which to measure time, and understand how that time flows.

Continuous Time - Time that always increments but does not stop incrementing while the system is asleep. This is useful to consider as a stopwatch style time; the reference point at which this starts and are most definitely different per machine

Date - A Date value encapsulates a single point in time, independent of any particular calendrical system or time zone. Date values represent a time interval relative to an absolute reference date.

Deadline - In common parlance it is a limit defined as an instant in time, a narrow field of time by which an objective must be accomplished.

Duration - A measurement of how much time has elapsed between two deadlines or reference points.

Instant - A precise moment in time.

Monotonic Time - Darwin and BSD define this as continuous time. Linux, however, defines this as a time that always increments but does stop incrementing while the system is asleep.

Network Update Time - A value of wall clock time that is transmitted via ntp used to synchronize the wall clocks of machines connected to a network.

Temporal - Related to the concept of time.

Time Zone - An arbitrary political defined system in which to normalize time in a quasi-geospatial delineation intended to keep the apex of the solar day around 12:00.

Uptime - Darwin and BSD define this as absolute time. Linux, however, defines this as time that does not suspend while asleep but is relative to the boot.

Wall Clock Time - Time like reading from a clock. This may be adjusted forwards or backwards for numerous reasons; in this context it is time that is not specific to a timezone or locale but measured from an absolute reference date. Network updates may adjust the drift on the clock either backwards or forwards depending on the relativistic drift, clock skew from inaccuracies with the processor, or from hardware power characteristics.

Since there are platform differences in the definition of monotonic time and uptime, for the rest of this proposal it will be in terms of the definition on Darwin and BSD that are referencing monotonic and uptime.

Detailed Design

Prior Art

There are a number of cases where these types end up being conflated with calendrical math. It is reasonable to say that the requirements for calendrical math have a distinct requirement of understanding of locales, timezones and are clearly out of scope of any duration or clock types that might be introduced. That is distinct responsibilities of Calendar and DateComponents.


Go stores time as a structure of a wall clock reference point (uint64), an 'ext' additional nanoseconds field (int64), and a location (pointer).
Go stores duration as an alias to int64 (nanoseconds).

There is no control over the reference points in Go to specify a given clock; either monotonic or wall clock. The base implementation attempts to encapsulate both monotonic and wall clock values together in Go. For common use case this likely has little to no impact, however it lacks the specificity needed to identify a progressive disclosure of use.


Rust stores duration as a u64 seconds and a u32 nanoseconds.
The measurement of time in Rust uses Instant, which seems to use a monotonic clock for most platforms.


Kotlin stores Duration as a Long plus a unit discriminator comprised of either milliseconds or nanoseconds. Kotlin's measurement functions do not return duration (yet?) but instead rely on conversion functions from Long values in milliseconds etc and those currently measurement functions use system uptime to determine reference points.


So given all of that, Swift can take this to another level of both accuracy of intent and ease of use than any of the other examples given. Following in the themes of other Swift APIs we can embrace the concept of progressive disclosure and leverage the existing frameworks that define time concepts.

The given requirements are that we must have a way of expressing the frame of reference of time, this needs to be able to express a concept of now and a concept of waking up after a given instant has passed. Instants must be able to be compared among each other but are specific to the clock they were obtained. Instants also must be able to be advanced by a given duration or a distance between two instants must be able to emit a duration. Durations must be comparable and also must have some intrinsic unit of time that can suffice for broad application.

It is worth noting that any extensions to Foundation, Dispatch or other frameworks beyond the swift standard library and concurrency library are not within the scope of this proposal and are under the prevue of those teams. This may or may not include additional ClockProtocol adoptions, additional functions that take the new types and changes in deprecations so any examples here are listed as illustrations of potential use cases and not to be considered as part of this proposal.


The base protocol for defining a clock requires two primitives; a way to wake up after a given instant, and a way to calculate the duration between two instants.

public protocol ClockProtocol {
  associatedtype Instant: InstantProtocol
  static func sleep(until deadline: Instant) async throws
  static func duration(from start: Instant, to end: Instant) -> Duration

This means that given an instant it is intrinsically linked to the clock; e.g. a monotonic instant is not meaningfully comparable to a wall clock instant. However as an ease of use concession the durations between two instants can be compared, however doing this across clocks is considered a programmer error unless handled very carefully. By making the protocol hierarchy just clocks and instants it means that we can easily express a compact form of a duration that is usable in all cases; particularly for APIs that might adopt Duration as a replacement to an existing type.

Clocks can then be used to measure a given amount of work. This means that clock should have the extensions to allow for the affordance of measuring workloads for metrics but also measure them for performance benchmarks.

extension ClockProtocol {
  public static func measure(_ work: () async throws -> Void) reasync rethrows -> Duration

This means that making benchmarks is quite easy to do:

let elapsed = MonotonicClock.measure {

For example we can adapt existing DispatchQueue API to take an instant as a deadline given a specific clock, or allow for generalized clocks. This allows for fine grained execution with exactly how the developer intends to have it work.

extension DispatchQueue {
  func asyncAfter(deadline: UptimeClock.Instant, qos: DispatchQoS = .unspecified, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], execute work: @escaping () -> Void)
  func asyncAfter<Clock: ClockProtocol>(deadline: Clock.Instant, clock: Clock, qos: DispatchQoS = .unspecified, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], execute work: @escaping () -> Void)

With additions as such developers can interact similarly to the existing API set but utilize the new generalized clock concepts. This allows for future expansion of clock concepts by the teams in which it is meaningful without needing to plumb through concepts into Dispatch's implementation.

DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now.advanced(by: .seconds(3)) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now.advanced(by: .seconds(3), clock: .wall) {

By providing the clock type developers are empowered to make better choices for exactly the concept of time they want to utilize but also allowed progressive disclosure to powerful tools to express that time.


As previously stated, instants need to be compared, and might be stored as a key but only need to define a concept of now and a way to advance them given a duration. By utilizing a protocol to define an instant it provides a mechanism in which to use the right storage for the type but also be type safe with regards to the clock they are intended for. The primary reasoning that instants are useful is that they can be composed.

Given a function with a deadline as an instant, if it calls another function that takes a deadline as an instant, the original can just be passed without mutation to the next function. That means that the instant in which that deadline elapses does not have interference with the pre-existing calls or execution time in-between functions. One common example of this is the timeout associated with url requests; a timeout does not fully encapsulate how the execution deadline occurs; there is a deadline to meet for the connection to be established, data to be sent, and a response to be received; a timeout spanning all of those must then have measurement to account for each step, whereas a deadline is static throughout.

public protocol InstantProtocol: Comparable, Hashable {
  static var now: Self { get }
  func advanced(by duration: Duration) -> Self

This can be used to adapt existing behaviors like URLRequest timeout. Which then becomes more composable with other instant concepts than the existing timeout APIs.

extension URLRequest {
	public init(url: URL, cachePolicy: CachePolicy = .useProtocolCachePolicy, deadline: MonotonicClock.Instant)

This will be expanded upon further, but RunLoop will be modified to now take a type that is an InstantProtocol conforming type.

RunLoop.main.run(until: .now.advanced(by: .seconds(3)))

It is reasonable to consider that each clock's instant has it's own "unit" of time measurement, however that complicates the adoption story and proliferates a practically identical type to solely prevent one potential minor mistake of comparing the duration from the difference of instants from two different clocks. Duration itself should be trivial to express, non-lossy storage, which avoids mathematical ambiguity. On one end of the spectrum is to make isolate monotonic durations different from wall clock durations, on the other is say everything is just a Double. Both have advantages but both have distinct disadvantages. Making duration a structure that is trivial allows a happy middle ground, but also allows for the potential of incremental adoption.

Similarly to how CGFloat was offered a special case for conversion, Duration should have a special conversion case to TimeInterval to aide in the ergonomics of making sure the types are approachable. This means that any API that currently takes a TimeInterval now can take a Duration, and any API that takes a duration can take a concrete TimeInterval value. Just as the CGFloat to Double conversion was not taken lightly - this also is not a small issue. Expressing durations as a Double not only is potentially lossy but also pollutes the potential namespace with perhaps dubious concepts like multiplying two TimeInterval variables together is perhaps not the most meaningful usage. Duration being structured means that the type can be opinionated in what types of conformances it has, and operations can be extended upon it without mucking with unrelated categories.

Meaningful durations can always be expressed in terms of nanoseconds, either a duration before a reference point or after. They can be constructed from meaningful human measured (or machine measured precision) but should not account for any calendrical calculations (e.g. a measure of days, months or years distinctly need a calendar to be meaningful). Durations should able to be serialized, compared, and stored as keys, but also should be able to be added and subtracted (and zero is meaningful). They are distinctly NOT Numeric due to the aforementioned issue with regards to multiplying two TimeInterval variables.

public struct Duration: Sendable {
  public var nanoseconds: Int64
  public init(nanoseconds: Int64) {
    self.nanoseconds = nanoseconds

extension Duration {
  public static func hours(_ hours: Int) -> Duration 
  public static func hours(_ hours: Double) -> Duration
  public static func minutes(_ minutes: Int) -> Duration
  public static func minutes(_ minutes: Double) -> Duration
  public static func seconds(_ seconds: Int) -> Duration
  public static func seconds(_ seconds: Double) -> Duration
  public static func microseconds(_ microseconds: Int) -> Duration
  public static func microseconds(_ microseconds: Double) -> Duration
  public static func milliseconds(_ milliseconds: Int) -> Duration
  public static func milliseconds(_ milliseconds: Double) -> Duration
  public static func nanoseconds(_ value: Int) -> Duration
  public static func nanoseconds(_ value: UInt64) -> Duration
  public static func nanoseconds(_ value: Int64) -> Duration

extension Duration: Codable { }
extension Duration: Hashable { }
extension Duration: Equatable { }
extension Duration: Comparable { }
extension Duration: AdditiveArithmetic { }

When speaking of temporal types Date has served a distinct and special place in the core of Swift in some really prominent places. A Date value encapsulates a single point in time, independent of any particular calendrical system or time zone. Date values represent a time interval relative to an absolute reference date. It could easily be considered the canonical representation of a wall clock reference point and is quite suited as a concept to be used as a deadline for wall clock based calculations. In short, as part of this proposal, we intend to give Date a new home and move it from Foundation to the standard library. Now this will not include all of the API associated with Date, but instead a distinct subset of the API surface area about Date that is relevant to representing wall clock time reference points.

@available(macOS 10.9, iOS 7.0, tvOS 9.0, watchOS 2.0, macCatalyst 13.0, *)
@_originallyDefinedIn(module: "Foundation", macOS /*TBD*/, iOS /*TBD*/, tvOS /*TBD*/, watchOS /*TBD*/, macCatalyst /*TBD*/)
public struct Date {
  public init(converting monotonicInstant: MonotonicClock.Instant)
  public init(converting uptimeInstant: UptimeClock.Instant)

extension Date: InstantProtocol {
  public static var now: Date { get }
  public func advanced(by duration: Duration) -> Date

extension Date: Codable { }
extension Date: Hashable { }
extension Date: Equatable { }

As a potential implementation detail; Date currently stores its value as a Double of seconds from Jan 1 2001 UTC. This causes floating point drift when the value is further out from that point in time, since we are taking the leap to move Date down the stack from Foundation to the standard library this seems like perfect opportunity to address this issue with a more robust storage solution. Instead of storing as a 64 bit Double value, it will now be stored as a Int64 for seconds, and a UInt32 for nanoseconds normalized where the nanoseconds storage will be no more than 1,000,000,000 nanoseconds (which is 29 bits) and a full range of seconds. This means that the storage size of Date will increase from 64 bits to 96 bits, with the benefit that the range of expressible dates will be +/-9,223,372,036,854,775,807.999999999 seconds around Jan 1 1970; which is full nanosecond resolution of a range of 585 billion years +/- a few months worth of leap year days and such - we feel that this range is suitable for any software and can be revisited in a few hundred billion years when it becomes an issue.

To give clarity on the real world impact of changing the storage size of Date; Xcode (it was a handy target for me to test) in a reasonably real world scenario created over 10,000 NSDate objects and around 3,000 of which were still resident at a quiescence point. Xcode reflects a decently large scale application and the translation from NSDate to Date does not 100% apply here but it gives a metric for what type of impact that might have in an extreme case; aproximately 12kB more memory usage - comparitively to the total memory used this seems quite small, so the system impact should be relatively negligible.

Readers may have noticed that Date remains Codable at the standard library layer but gains a new storage mechanism. The coding format will remain the same. Since that represents a serialization mechanism that is written to disk and is therefore permanent for document formats. We do not intend for Date to break existing document formats and all current serialization will both emit and decode as it would for double values relative to Jan 1 2001 UTC as well as the DateEncodingStrategy for JSONSerialization. This does mean that when encoding and decoding Date values it may loose small portions of precision, however this is acceptable losses since any format stored as such inherently takes some amount of time to either transmit or write to disk; any sub-second (near nanosecond) precision that may be lost will be vastly out weighed from the write and read times.

The storage change is not a hard requirement; and may be a point in which we might decide is not worth taking.

All remaining APIs on Date will exist still at the Foundation layer for compatibility with existing software.

To be clear; we are not suggesting that Calendar, Locale, or TimeZone be moved down; those transitions are distinctly out of scope of this proposal and are not a goal.


Wall clocks are useful since they represent a transmittable form of time. Instants can be serialized and sent from one machine to another and the values are meaningful in a foreign context. That transmission can be immediately useful when dealing with concepts like distributed actors; where an actor may be hosted on a remote machine and a deadline for work is sent across from one domain to another. The WallClock type will use Date as its Instant type and provide an extension to access the clock instance as the inferred base type property.

public struct WallClock: ClockProtocol {
	public typealias Instant = Date

extension ClockProtocol where Self == WallClock {
  public static var wall: WallClock { get }

When instants are for local processing only and need to be high resolution without the encumbrance of suspension while the machine is asleep MonotonicClock is the tool for the job. The MonotonicClock.Instant type can be initialized with a wall clock instant if that value can be expressed in terms of a relative point to now; knowing the delta between the current time and the specified wall clock instant a conversion to the current monotonic reference point can be made such that conversion (if possible) represents what the value would be in terms of the monotonic clock. Much like the wall clock version the monotonic clock also offers an extension to access the clock instance as the inferred base type property.

public struct MonotonicClock: ClockProtocol {
	public struct Instant: InstantProtocol { 
		public init?(converting wallclockInstant: WallClock.Instant)

extension ClockProtocol where Self == MonotonicClock {
  public static var monotonic: MonotonicClock { get }

Where local process scoped or cross machine scoped instants are not suitable uptime serves the purpose of a clock that does not increment while the machine is asleep but is a time that is referenced to the boot time of the machine, this allows for the affordance of cross process communication in the scope of that machine. Similar to the other clocks there is an extension to access the clock instance as the inferred base type property.

public struct UptimeClock: ClockProtocol {
	public struct Instant: InstantProtocol { 
		public init?(converting wallclockInstant: WallClock.Instant)

extension ClockProtocol where Self == UptimeClock {
  public static var uptime: UptimeClock { get }

Impact on Existing Code

Existing APIs

Task will have a more distinct sleep function where a clock can be specified.

extension Task where Success == Never, Failure == Never {
	public static func sleep<C: ClockProtocol>(until deadline: C.Instant, clock: C) async throws 

Or, in the case where an ease of use is preferred over a raw nanoseconds; we will add a connivence API exposing a monotonic duration to sleep for.

extension Task where Success == Never, Failure == Never {
	public static func sleep(for duration: MonotonicClock.Duration) async throws

The DispatchQueue implementation can support three types of fundamental clock types; monotonic, wall, and uptime. This might be able to be expressed as overloads to the instant types and avoid ambiguity by specifying a clock.

extension DispatchQueue {
	public func asyncAfter(deadline: MonotonicClock.Instant, qos: DispatchQoS = .unspecified, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], execute work: @escaping @convention(block) () -> Void)
	public func asyncAfter(deadline: WallClock.Instant, qos: DispatchQoS = .unspecified, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], execute work: @escaping @convention(block) () -> Void)
	public func asyncAfter(deadline: UptimeClock.Instant, qos: DispatchQoS = .unspecified, flags: DispatchWorkItemFlags = [], execute work: @escaping @convention(block) () -> Void)

Existing Application Code

This proposal is purely additive and has no direct impact to existing application code.

Impact on ABI

The proposed implementation will introduce two runtime functions; a way of obtaining time and a way of sleeping given a standard clock.

Alternatives Considered

It has been considered to move Date down into the standard library to encompass a wall + monotonic concept like Go, but this was not viewed as extensible enough to capture all potential clock sources.

It has been considered to leave the Duration type to be a structure and shared among all clocks. This exposes the potential error in which two durations could be interchanged that are measuring two different things. From an opinionated type system perspective a MonotonicClock.Duration measures monotonic seconds and a WallClock.Duration measures wall clock seconds which are two different unit systems. This point is debatable and can be changed with the caveat that developers may write inappropriate code.

It has been considered to attempt to make Duration into a protocol form to restrict the concepts of measurement to only be compared in the clock scope they were defined by but that proves to be quite cumbersome for implementations and dramatically reduces the ease of use for APIs that might want to use interval types.

ClockProtocol could require a referencePoint; however that may not be appropriate for all clock types (namely monotonic clocks)


I want to make sure we differentiate between Durations and Intervals, where Durations are times which are anchored at one end or the other by specific times, and Intervals, which describe an abstract relative time which is not anchored.

Intervals are useful:

For example: How much of this QuickTime video have I watched?
For example: When this task completes, how soon after that should it re-start
For example: What's the average time we took to display a frame

I don't see Interval in your definition list above

From the domain of human task managers it's also useful to import the concept that an interval may be in a more floppy unit than seconds. For example: "every 3 days" needs to cope with leap seconds, every Wednesday needs to cope with Time Zone changes etc.


Cool! This is a really important addition to the standard library.

Just from a quick reading, there is a notable omission from the section describing prior art: C++’s std::chrono. I think it would be interesting to discuss how these designs are similar, or different, and why.

As far as I can make out, there are some naming differences (“wall clock” vs system_clock, “Monotonic clock” vs steady_clock. Personally I prefer the C++ names, especially since Darwin and Linux understand these terms differently), and the use of a unified duration type is a notable difference, but otherwise they seem quite similar.


What are the implications of this for Obj-C bridging? I seem to remember that Obj-C uses a tagged pointer for Date on 64-bit systems, so is it okay to change it to use this new representation?


My first thought was "where is the reference to Introducing "Time"" — but after reading the post, those two things seem to be complementary.

However, I think both shouldn't be developed in full isolation: When giving meaning to fundamental terms like date or clock, we probably want to make sure to get the best match of names with actual types.


This is a timely pitch, and with a really fantastic expository text that catches everyone up to speed, bravo.

I worry about adding yet another implicit conversion; I’m not so sure that the TimeInterval-to-Duration conversion is going to be on the same level as CGFloat—but even if so, I think more needs to be justified as to why it shouldn’t then be sunk down in the same way that Foundation.Date will be, or generalized via a protocol like clocks and instants will be.

Some nitpicks and questions:

  • Can ClockProtocol be Strideable?
  • Can Duration conform to AdditiveArithmetic?
  • Converting initializers should be unlabeled; that is the precedent throughout the standard library. It is redundant to label them init?(converting:) because that’s what unlabeled initializers that take a single argument of a different type do.

Awesome work, will be great to have these as first-class concepts in the stdlib. Some questions and comments:

Do we ever expect users to define their own ClockProtocol-conforming types? Are there potentially "exotic" clocks for which a nanosecond-based Duration wouldn't make sense? We could, after all, have Duration as an associated type which at least for the stdlib types is always the trivial Swift.Duration, but just wanted to poke a bit at the justification for the fixed Duration type here to make sure we're confident it will fit all use cases.

I'd love if we could gather some data on how large the Duration-TimeInterval conversion issue will be in practice. I assume we will want ~everyone to use the new time types right up until they're passing off to a TimeInterval-accepting API, but at least in my experience, the use of TimeInterval is an order of magnitude less common than CGFloat, so the burden of typing out TimeInterval(duration) is much lower. I'd love to see this conversion justified up a bit more robustly.

It's not super obvious to me that days would be inappropriate—yes, there are some calendar days that are not precisely 24 hours, but there are also some "calendar hours" and "calendar minutes" which are not precisely 3600 or 60 seconds, respectively.

I was going to ask the same thing, but it's there, just below the fold in the post snippet defining Duration. :slight_smile:


Durations in this case are an elapsed measurement of time, e.g. I access now, and then in a bit I access now again and find the duration between them; this can be either negative durations or positive durations depending on the direction of the differential; representing the number of nanoseconds ago versus the number of nanoseconds elapsed.

There are concepts of DateIntervals (in Foundation) that represent a range of time between a starting point and an ending point. However I am not sure how a monotonic or uptime interval would be useful beyond expressing them as actual Range types.

I neglected to chime in on this in my hastily composed initial impressions, but I think it’s a point worth making here.

If we’re striving for a String-like balance between usability and correctness might be worth considering also going the other way and excluding everything above seconds.

Foundation and other locale-aware frameworks can supply the rest, and for most operations in minutes or hours, users can trivially compute the number of seconds if indeed they don’t care about calendrical corner cases or import an appropriate framework if they do.


Personally, I'd prefer if Durations from different Clocks could not be compared (without someone explicitly defining the relationship between those two durations). I don't think the convenience factor here outweighs the possibility (and high likelihood imo) of programmer error.

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The way C++ does it is to express durations as some number of “ticks” (using a storage type of your choosing), where a tick is a rational number describing the number of seconds per tick.

Yea, there are MANY others I could have listed but I focused on Go, Rust and Kotlin as three spiritually similar languages. Obviously std::chrono is a good example of a commonly used clock based system and was one that I did consider when researching this (the pitch was already long as it was so I decided to keep it smaller)

That package seems more focused upon wall and human interacting calendrical calculations - this is heavily focused upon execution. They are not mutually exclusive and that package can totally exist on its own, this however is posed for integration to Task and other concurrency needs.

Clocks are un-inhabited types (for the default ones) so I am not sure what stride of that would be.

Yep that is the proposed behavior (but they are NOT numeric)

This was one point that the resident Darwin time experts urged me ensure this was very explicit of a conversion function. @rokhinip perhaps you can chime in here on your thoughts? But these functions do a lossy conversion that is failable.

Absolutely! As a matter of fact I think there may be clocks defined at numerous layers beyond the swift standard library/concurrency library layers. But the compromise for ergonomics was to specifically keep the nanoseconds duration type as a concrete type (to avoid the common cases being complex). Any custom clock will still have to deal in that as a currency type. But that feels accomplishable for even exotic clocks like a "manually incremental" clock.

The concept of day accounts for with most people a calendrical day. E.g. when I say 5 days from now, I mean 5 calendar days, where if that includes a leap hour or leap day that is part of how it is read from a calendar. I think like other APIs we should guide developers into making appropriate choices (and even hours is perhaps a trap to that extent).


That is a fair assertion, that border is a bit fuzzy for me; it is a portion that I think is reasonable to discern the cut-off. Nanoseconds only is obtuse, days are perhaps able to be conflated with calendrical systems, so we need a middle ground, are hours too much? are minutes not enough? I'd like to collect responses on this to find a happy spot where it is both ergonomic and correct enough for common usage.


What sort of complexity are you talking about here? I’m not “all-in” on Duration as an associated type by any means, but I would love a bit more context on the tradeoff—if we only expect durations to be used in the context of a concrete clock/instant, what do we lose by having it be an associated type? Or, if we expect to have durations divorced from a concrete clock/instant, what are the use cases?

Personally, I think the cutoff at seconds seems pretty reasonable, moreso than cutting off at hours. As @xwu notes, it’s trivial to write .seconds(60 * 60) for the “normal” hour.


In the standard library, it’s the exact conversions that have labels (init?(exactly:)) and the lossy ones that don’t!

But indeed, it is unusual for a converting initializer to be able to succeed but in a lossy way, succeed but in an exact way, or fail. I guess if you wanted to label with something like approximately, that would emphasize the point. But “converting” does not make any semantics more explicit. That said, since the only conversion initializer being offered is this one, it’s also not clear to me how a label that does stress the lossiness is actionable.


So the trade off comes in to the way we discuss concepts that currently take TimeInterval (e.g. unspecified clocks).

So for example if we took the existing API:

open class URLSessionStreamTask : URLSessionTask {   
    open func readData(ofMinLength minBytes: Int, maxLength maxBytes: Int, timeout: TimeInterval, completionHandler: @escaping (Data?, Bool, Error?) -> Void)

If we re-imagined that as a timeout expressed in this new system (and not a deadline on an instant... which arguably is perhaps a better composition).

open class URLSessionStreamTask : URLSessionTask {   
    open func readData(ofMinLength minBytes: Int, maxLength maxBytes: Int, timeout: Duration, completionHandler: @escaping (Data?, Bool, Error?) -> Void)

But if we needed to have a clock type for that duration it would need to be written as such:

open class URLSessionStreamTask : URLSessionTask {   
    open func readData<Clock: ClockProtocol>(ofMinLength minBytes: Int, maxLength maxBytes: Int, timeout: Clock.Duration, clock: Clock, completionHandler: @escaping (Data?, Bool, Error?) -> Void)

Which has the carry-on effect that developers need to immediately leap from "oh hey I just want this to timeout in 5 seconds" to "what is the difference between a monotonic clock and a wall clock?" and more specifically they will need to understand why those differences are meaningful with respect to a network transaction.

Whereas if we leave the duration type as a concrete type shared by all clocks, it means that the consumer of APIs don't need to worry about that and can progressively work into more complex (and arguably more accurate/correct) use cases. This however comes at the cost of allowing silly things to work like comparing two Durations produced by different clocks. Which if folks do that.... well... maybe they know what they are doing? maybe it doesn't really matter that much? The failure mode in that route is forgiving and likely would not result in an application misbehaving.


That is a solid suggestion! Great idea, I will take it back to the folks that initially suggested it and see what they think.


Wouldn’t the readData function have some fixed underlying clock by which it measures the timeout in the concrete-Duration case? I.e, in the associatedtype world readData would take, say, WallClock.Duration rather than a generic clock parameter.

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The distinction between monotonic and realtime clocks is fundamental and APIs typically accept one or the other. If there’s desire to support user-defined clocks then it makes sense to turn these from concrete types (as proposed) to protocols so that APIs can accept other implementations as well.


That is one approach but then that puts the implementation detail as part of the ABI, a developer could not change from an existing WallClock, to say a more appropriate MonotonicClock

How would a category of Monotonic clocks be any different than a category of clocks with more than one monotonic clock in it?


struct MonotonicClock: ClockProtocol { ... }
struct CoarseMonotonicClock: ClockProtocol { ... }

struct MonotonicClock: MonotonicClockProtocol { ... }
struct CoarseMonotonicClock: MonotonicClockProtocol { ... }

The only advantage is that the category allows APIs to differentiate the category of clocks as a marker, no new functionality would be derived by having a monotonic clock protocol and a wall clock protocol etc in addition to a clock protocol. Perhaps I am missing something there.